
  1. 我们到的时候正在下雨。

    It was raining when we arrived .

  2. 正在下雨,到里面来。

    Come inside , it is raining .

  3. 可是今早六点睁开眼,却看到外面正在下雨,这可真让他无法忍受。

    He awoke at six and saw the rain , and it seemed as though he couldn 't bear it .

  4. 如果我说过去下过雨:“Itrainedyesterday”,正在下雨:“Itisrainingnow”,将要下雨:Itwillraintomorrow.”

    if I 'm talking about past rain , " It rained yesterday , " current rain , " It is raining now , " or future rain , " It will rain tomorrow . "

  5. 因为正在下雨,我就不出去了。

    As it is raining , I 'll not go out .

  6. 正在下雨&你最好带上雨衣。

    It 's raining & you 'd better take your mac .

  7. 散了戏,走出剧场发现正在下雨。

    After the show , we walked out into the rain .

  8. 正在下雨,我不喜欢下雨的天气。

    It 's raining . I don 't like rainy weather .

  9. 我出生在1948年10月17日,那天正在下雨。

    I was born on October 17st 1948 which it was raining .

  10. 外面正在下雨,我不能出去玩。

    It 's raining and I can 't go out to play .

  11. 当我往窗外看的时候,外面正在下雨。

    When I looked out of the window , it was raining .

  12. 该客机坠毁的时候喀山市正在下雨。

    It was raining in Kazan when the aircraft crashed .

  13. 正在下雨,我们在树下。

    It is raining and we are under a tree .

  14. 穿上雨衣,外面正在下雨。

    Put on your raincoat . It 's raining outside .

  15. 手中的纸湿透了。这时,他才意识到天正在下雨。

    The paper was wet and then he realized that it was raining .

  16. 我回家时正在下雨。

    I came home when it was raining .

  17. 正在下雨,正在下倾盆大雨。

    It 's raining . It 's pouring .

  18. 狄伦醒来时,外头正在下雨。

    It was raining outside when Dylan awoke .

  19. 而且不会比这少,别忘了天正在下雨。

    Certainly no less , considering the rain .

  20. 他说:“外面正在下雨,不要出去。”

    He says ," It 's raining outside . Don 't go out . "

  21. 我刚好开车经过,看到正在下雨

    Well , I was just driving by , and since it was raining ,

  22. 现在正在下雨,现在是窗外的景象。

    Ah , it 's raining I 'll just get it out of my window .

  23. 现在正在下雨!几分钟前还在出太阳!

    It 's raining now ! The sun was shining just a few minutes ago !

  24. 我们到达的那天正在下雨,但次日天气晴朗。

    It rained on the day we arrived , but the following day was sunny .

  25. 可是我现在正在下雨呀。

    But it 's raining now !

  26. 外面正在下雨。

    It is raining out'side ' .

  27. 此刻正在下雨。

    Its raining at the moment .

  28. 如今正在下雨。

    It is now raining .

  29. 今天早上,我早早的起了床,看见外面正在下雨。

    This morning , I went to see the get out of bed , it is raining outside .

  30. 汉普顿路地区,包括弗吉尼亚海滩和诺福克市在内的16个社区,目前正在下雨。

    It 's raining in the Hampton roads area a sprawl of 16 communities including Virginia Beach and Norfolk .