
  • 网络mindful;mindfulness;SATI;right mindfulness;samma-sati
  1. 健康保险提供商Aetna做的一项员工研究表明,参加办公室瑜伽和正念课程的人中,大约四分之一的人报告其压力水平降低了28%,睡眠质量改善了20%。

    A study of employees at health insurance provider Aetna revealed that roughly one quarter of those taking in-office yoga and mindfulness classes reported a 28 % reduction in their stress levels and a 20 % improvement in sleep quality .

  2. "正念",即集中注意力,是一些人用来避免入睡的工具。

    " Mindfulness " , being focused , is a tool that some people use to avoid falling asleep .

  3. 大家正念叨他,可巧他来了。

    We were just talking about him when he turned up .

  4. 研究还发现,这些植物对人们对压力感知的影响与之前的一项研究相似。在那项研究中,参与者每周参加一次正念和冥想的课程,持续八周。

    The research has also found that the effects of the plants on people ’ s perceptions of stress were similar to a previous study in which participants were given mindfulness and meditation3 sessions once a week for eight weeks .

  5. 在AppleWatch新的正念app中,同样的冥想视频教程每周会以音频上传。

    In the new Mindfulness app on Apple Watch , the same meditations will be uploaded each week in audio form .

  6. 《临床神经生理学》(ClinicalNeurophysiology)上最近的一份报告显示,成年ADD患者可从正念训练加认知治疗中受益;

    According to a recent report in Clinical Neurophysiology , adults with A.D.D. were shown to benefit from mindfulness training combined with cognitive therapy ;

  7. 医生最常推荐的,且最常用于医院项目中的一种冥想类型叫做“正念减压”。它是由麻省大学医学院(UniversityofMassachusettsMedicalSchool)研发出来的。

    The most common type of meditation recommended by doctors and used in hospital programs is called Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction , which was devised at the University of Massachusetts Medical School .

  8. 一种信奉冥想的佛教方式&正念(mindfulness),正开始在快节奏的金融家中流行。

    Fast-paced financiers are turning to mindfulness , an ancient Buddhist idea that embraces meditation .

  9. 他们还鼓励她建设一座兰格正念研究所(LangerMindfulnessInstitute),既开展研究,又运营静思休养之地。

    They also encouraged her to build a Langer Mindfulness Institute , which will take part in research and run retreats .

  10. 当代以来,唱主角的则是分子生物学家乔恩•卡巴特-津恩(JonKabat-Zinn),他在麻省大学医学院(UniversityofMassachusettsMedicalSchool)率先推行基于正念的减压疗法。

    More recently , Jon Kabat-Zinn , a molecular biologist who pioneered mindfulness based stress reduction at the University of Massachusetts Medical School , takes centre stage .

  11. 加州大学伯克利分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)的发展精神病理学专家史蒂芬·欣肖(StephenHinshaw)表示,探索正念冥想等非药物干预的效用的时机已经成熟。

    Stephen Hinshaw , a specialist in developmental psychopathology at the University of California , Berkeley , said the time was ripe to explore the utility of nondrug interventions like mindfulness .

  12. Prana是他走访的其中一家推行正念的企业,该公司首席执行官斯科特•克斯莱克(ScottKerslake)的回答是最能说明问题的。

    The most revealing answer comes from the chief executive of Prana , one of the " mindful " businesses he visits .

  13. 艾默理大学(EmoryUniversity)的温迪·哈森坎普(WendyHasenkamp)和劳伦斯·巴萨卢(LawrenceBarsalou)的研究显示,正念冥想能改变认知控制的指标之一——大脑维持注意力的神经回路。

    Mindfulness seems to flex the brain circuitry for sustaining attention , an indicator of cognitive control , according to research by Wendy Hasenkamp and Lawrence Barsalou at Emory University .

  14. 毕马威(KPMG)、高盛(GoldmanSachs)、联合利华(Unilever)以及英国央行(BoE)在幸福感讲座中介绍正念,并鼓励员工使用冥想应用。

    KPMG , Goldman Sachs and Unilever – and the Bank of England – have presented mindfulness in wellbeing seminars and encourage staff to use meditation apps .

  15. 《临床神经生理学》(ClinicalNeurophysiology)上最近的一份报告显示,成年ADD患者可从正念训练加认知治疗中受益;他们在精神功能方面的改善与服用药物的受试者相当。

    According to a recent report in Clinical Neurophysiology , adults with A.D.D. were shown to benefit from mindfulness training combined with cognitive therapy ; their improvements in mental performance were comparable to those achieved by subjects taking medications .

  16. 这些骑行的新功能和其他各项很棒的新功能一起加入了watchOS8,例如正念app和照片的回忆等。我们今年的重点就是让这些功能,包括你用Watch做的各项事务,都能更醒目更完善。

    These cycling updates join all the other great additions in watchOS 8 , like the Mindfulness app and Memories in Photos . And this year we focused on making these features and everything you do on Watch bigger and better .

  17. 现在,越来越多的研究表明,通过所谓的正念冥想强化“心智肌肉”可以帮助儿童和成年人应对其注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD,见于儿童)和注意力缺陷障碍(ADD,见于成年人)。

    Now a growing stream of research suggests that strengthening this mental muscle , usually with exercises in so-called mindfulness , may help children and adults cope with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and its adult equivalent , attention deficit disorder .

  18. 假如一名学生在连续八天的时间里每天做半小时的正念冥思,他在参加GRE考试或者做短期记忆力和注意力分散的测试时表现会更好。

    Students who did about an hour of mindfulness training for eight days subsequently did better on the GRE as well as tests of working memory and mind-wandering .

  19. 经典及注释书中都提及觉性,并说:有两种极有助益的东西,亦即1。正念(Sati,忆念);

    It says in the commentaries , in the books , about awareness , that there are2 things that are of great assistance , namely : 1 .

  20. 正念培训班学生的GRE成绩由两周前的460分提高到了520分,对短期记忆力和注意力集中进行测试的成绩也比以前有了提高(与任务无关思维的次数减少了)。

    For one , their average GRE verbal score went from 460 to , two weeks later , 520 . They also improved on tests of working memory and focus ( had fewer task-unrelated thoughts ) .

  21. 阿里安娜•赫芬顿(AriannaHuffington)将企业界对正念产生浓厚兴趣的原因总结为:“减轻压力和正念不仅会让我们变得更快乐、更健康,对任何缺乏这种优势的企业而言,它们还是一种已得到验证的竞争优势。”

    Arianna Huffington sums up the rationale for all this corporate interest : " Stress reduction and mindfulness don 't just make us happier and healthier , they 're a proven competitive advantage for any business that wants one . "

  22. 结果是,正念的夫妇有更令人满意的婚姻关系。

    As a result , mindful couples have more satisfying relationships .

  23. 就正念禅修而言,没有所谓的理想的呼吸方法或形式。

    For the practice of mindfulness there is no ideal breath .

  24. 而忘记自己的人就叫做没有正念的人。

    And people who forget themselves are called heedless people .

  25. 修学正念并不是要爱取或厌舍任何的情绪反应。

    Mindfulness itself does not condemn or condone any particular emotional reaction .

  26. 如此就可以产生并发展正念。

    In this way sati can arise and it can be developed .

  27. 休伯恩自2000年以来一直在教授正念瑜伽。

    Hugh Byrne has been teaching mindfulness since 2000 .

  28. 正念禅修在心理治疗和医学领域中的应用

    Mindfulness Meditation and Its Application in Psychotherapy and Medicine

  29. 没有正念的人就是已经死了的人。

    Heedless people are people who are dead already .

  30. 随时随地,觉察到你自己的正念与正知之本质。

    Discovering the true nature of your mindfulness and awareness anywhere and anytime .