
  1. 结果:斜方肌上部近似于梯形,A、B、C和D四缘平均长度为174.63、157.18、86.98、80.95mm,面积126.78cm2,肩胛冈全长131.21mm;

    Results : The superior trapezius muscle was in the shape of trapezium . The border length ( mm ) of A , B , C and D was 174.63,157.18, 86.98 and 80.95 in average respectively . The area of the muscle was 126.78 cm2 on the average .

  2. 四角十字路口路缘。可指定拐角的半径。

    4-corner intersection curb . Corner radius can be specified .

  3. 通过尸体解剖观察和资料搜集的方法,研究了鼠蹊部的形态结构特征,用四点、两缘、两隙加以描述。第一、二部分论文由如下三部分组成。

    Through methods of observing cadaver and collecting materials , this article studied morphological structure features of the inguinal part and described the features as four points , two edges and two crevices .

  4. 第四部分是附缘部分,通过谱系图的形式大致勾勒出雨汉至唐韦氏宗族成具的世系情沉。

    The fourth part is the appendix , in which the lineage of Wei Clan members from the Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty is sketched out in the form of a pedigree chart .

  5. 消防梯车上的救火队员正在费劲地架起笨重的伸缩梯,但是那梯子伸足后还是太短,差了一大截。这时候,四名消防队员缘着细长的杆子从街面往楼上爬,杆子上装有横档,顶端用铁钩钩住。

    Up from the street , while the crew of the truck-company were labouring with the heavy extension ladder that at its longest stretch was many feet too short , crept four men upon long slender poles with crossbars , iron-hooked at the end .

  6. 回复的四个字“缘来是你”一语双关,既表达了“原来是你”的意思,同时将“原”替换为“缘”也表示了两人的命运和缘分。

    It 's a double play on a Chinese phrase " Yuan Lai Shi Ni , " which means " So it 's you . " But she substituted the first character with a homophone , which means " destiny " or " fate . "