
jiē shōu qì
  • receiver
  1. 您已按了接收器按钮。

    You have pressed the receiver button .

  2. 一旦你这样做的LED在电视接收器将开始闪烁。

    Once you do that an LED in the receiver will start blinking .

  3. 她给我们看了一个奇怪的玩意儿,样子像碟形卫星信号接收器。

    She showed us a strange contraption that looked like a satellite dish .

  4. 自动调节甚高频接收器现在普遍应用于汽车。

    Auto-tuning VHF receivers are now common in cars .

  5. 机体里,这些卫星能容纳传感器和通信接收器(转换器),这使得操作人员能够从太空中研究地球和地球周围的宇宙空间。

    Within their compact bodies these minute satellites are able to house sensors and communications receivers / transmitters that enable operators to study Earth from space , as well as space around Earth .

  6. 汽车行驶记录仪,GPS接收器,导航仪。

    Vehicle traveling data recorder , GPS , Navigation .

  7. 最后,在GPS接收器的帮助下找到了他们。

    The group was eventually found with the help of a GPS receiver .

  8. 基于FPGA的AES3/EBU数字音频接收器的设计

    Design of AES3 / EBU digital audio receiver based on FPGA

  9. 应用MatLab分析塔式太阳能接收器的会聚光斑能量

    Energy Analyses of the Spot Focused on the Receiver of the Solar Tower Based on MatLab

  10. 苹果还设计了数字媒体接收器苹果TV以使人们能够购买和租看电影和电视节目。

    Its digital media receiver Apple TV was also designed so people can buy and rent movies and television shows .

  11. CDMA系统中一种结合空时编码的盲自适应接收器

    Blind adaptive multiuser detector with space-time coding for CDMA system

  12. 异步编码CDMA系统中基于因子图的迭代多用户接收器

    Iterative Multiuser Receiver Based on Factor Graph for Asynchronous Coded CDMA Systems

  13. sink:表示能够消耗媒体的任何接收器。

    Sink : A sink is anything that consumes media .

  14. 其次,对PIN光接收器测试系统研制的全过程进行介绍;

    Second , the whole process of developing the test system is introduced .

  15. 就像在其他XML集成项目中一样,发送器和接收器需要使用通用的模式。

    As with any XML integration project , both the sender and the receiver need to agree upon a common schema .

  16. 阵不变量实质为信号在平均声速c条件下从声源-接收器的的绝对传播时间。

    The physical meaning of array invariant is the absolute traveling time of the signals from source to receiver under the average sound speed .

  17. 接收器部分由主控制器、无线通讯和USB通讯等部分组成。

    The receiver section by the main controller , wireless communication and USB communication components .

  18. 拉(Pull)交互在信息接收器查询数据所需的特定信息源的时候发生。

    Pull interaction occurs when an information sink inquires about a specific information source the data desired .

  19. CDMA系统中的多用户接收器实现方案

    A Scheme for Multi-user Receiver in CDMA Systems

  20. 这儿有一个接收器,一个cd播放机,双卡式录音座,还有一个转盘。

    It has a receiver , a CD player , a double cassette deck , and a turntable .

  21. 当光源与接收器静止而媒质以速度V运动时,同样的关系式成立。

    The same relation should hold when the source and receiver are at rest and the medium moves with velocity V.

  22. 它使用MQLLMAPI建立了一个异步接收器。

    It sets up the asynchronous receiver using MQ LLM APIs .

  23. 光纤CATV系统光电接收器的研究

    Study on photo-detector for fiber optic CATV system

  24. 而采用电偶极子作为发射和接收器的时候,则对应TM波的方程。

    Equations with TM wave will function when the electric dipoles are applied as transmitters and receivers .

  25. 介绍了室内点对点可见光通信系统组成,研究了接收器PIN的选择,前置放大电路设计。

    We described the point to point visible light communication system that consists of the receiver PIN , pre-amplifier design .

  26. 提出了一种用于传输高速数据的LVDS(LowVoltageDifferentialSignaling)驱动器及接收器的设计。

    The design of LVDS ( Low Voltage Differential Signaling ) driver and receiver used to transmit high speed data between chips was presented .

  27. 文中给出了PC机与GPS接收器的硬件连接图以及关键实现程序。

    Author made a chart of hardware connecting between PC and GPS receiver , and provided the key program of communication between PC and GPS receiver .

  28. 该报文接收器为Profibus报文分析和底层开发的实现奠定了良好的基础。

    Such a datagram receiver makes good groundwork for the Profibus low level development .

  29. 在原来光具座测量透镜焦距的装置基础上,用CCD代替人眼作接收器时,正确判定焦面是实验的关键。

    Linear CCD is used as receiver on behalf of eyes on the basis of originally experimental equipment measuring the focal length of lens .

  30. 采用一种新的自适应卡尔曼滤波多用户检测算法估计CDMA系统多用户接收器的最优判决向量,高性能盲自适应多用户检测算法。

    A new multiuser detector based on adaptive Kalman filter is described to estimate the optimal decision vector of CDMA multiuser receiver .