
  • 网络Theoretical Statistics;pure statistics
  1. 体育统计是理论统计学的方法在体育领域中的应用,它以体育运动中随机现象的规律为研究对象。

    Physical statistics is the application of theoretical statistics ′ methods to physical fields , whose research object is the law of random phenomena in athletic sports .

  2. 在研究过程中,借助ANSYS软件与科学计算工具MATLAB并结合结构振动基本理论与统计学知识实现了三种过程的仿真。

    During the research , complete three kinds simulation by means of ANSYS and MATLAB tools , vibration theory and basic significant knowledge .

  3. 基于灰色理论和统计学比较的煤矿瓦斯浓度预测研究

    A Study on Prediction of Coalmine Gas Concentration based on Comparisons between Gray System and Statistics

  4. 该模式作为城市意象理论与统计学的整合应用,为城市规划与设计提供资料参考和理论参考。

    As an integration of the city image theory and statistic analysis , it can provide data and theoretic reference for urban planning .

  5. 通过平均数与统计离差之间关系的研究,论述了马克思主义哲学中的对立统一观点、矛盾的偶然性与必然性等理论在统计学中的广泛应用。

    The relationship study of average and statistical dispersion illustrates Marxist unity of opposites as well as contingency and necessity of contradiction applied in statistics .

  6. 贝叶斯网络提供了一种表示因果关系的方法。它结合图模型理论和统计学来表达随机变量之间的不确定性知识,并高效地执行推理任务。

    Bayesian network ( BN ) is an important method for presenting causality and uncertainty among random variables based on graphical model theory and statistics .

  7. 针对以上调研情况,本文运用博弈论、信息经济学理论以及统计学方法,针对各个环节存在的具体问题,提出对策建议。

    Based on the investigation of the existing problems , the thesis makes conclusions and recommendations following game theory 、 information economics theory and statistics .

  8. 线性模型理论是统计学当中的一个古老分支,但是长久以来,线性模型一直是统计学家,乃至金融学家们关注的热点,在这一领域当中的新成果不断的涌现。

    The theory of linear model is an ancient branch of statistics , but for quite a long time , linear model is always a focus for statistics , even for economist .

  9. 根据教育考试理论与统计学,分析了自动组卷目标要求,建立了智能组卷系统的数学模型。

    With the help of examination theory and education mathematics , the requirements of the test paper are analyzed in details . The mathematical model of intelligent test paper generation system is set up .

  10. 第三章主要通过对新闻传播理论及统计学数据的引入,详细解读生活服务类报纸的受众群、提供的内容以及地域因素导致生活服务类报纸生存环境的差异。

    By introducing the theory of news dissemination and statistical data , chapter three explains the general acceptance , content and regional difference of life-services styled newspaper , causing the different living environment for this newspaper .

  11. 依据概率理论和统计学规律,推导出计算有限次统计或试验观察参数的简单数学模型,论述了该分析方法的可靠性与可行性。

    On the basis of probability theory and statistical law , a simple mathematical model for calculating finite order statistics or testing observation parameters is derived and the reliability and feasibility of this analytical method is expounded .

  12. 以1952年以来的统计数据来描述江苏产业结构变化的历程,运用灰色理论和统计学理论就江苏省产业结构变动与经济增长的相互关系及其对国民经济增长的影响效果进行实证分析。

    Based on the statistical figures of the industrial adjustment of Jiangsu Province since 1952 , this paper analyzes the relationship between industrial structure and economic growth of Jiangsu Province in terms of the theory of grey system and statistics .

  13. 本文利用我国西北地区有代表性的3个测站的常规探空资料,应用大气折射理论和统计学方法建立了大气折射指数垂直分布的三种统计模式。

    In this paper , conventional radiosonde data from three representative observational stations in northwest region of China are used to establish three statistical models for the vertical distribution of the atmospheric refractive index based on the atmospheric refractive theory and the statistical approach .

  14. 非参数方法和贝叶斯理论是当今统计学中非常重要的两大分支。

    Nonparametric method and Bayesian theory are two important branches of modern statis-tics .

  15. 变点分析理论旨在用统计学的方法解决非线性数据处理的有关问题。

    Change point theory is aimed to solve some problems of nonlinear data processing by way of statistics .

  16. 而分形理论、地质统计学和小波分析等非线性理论在尺度转换方面也有一些研究工作。

    Furthermore , the fractal theory , geostatistics and wavelet method are already used to study the scaling transformation .

  17. 本文从文体学角度,用理论分析和统计学的方法研究英文摘要的写作。

    From the point of view of stylistics , this paper studies English abstract writing by theoretical analysis and statistical method .

  18. 结合生物学理论,运用统计学和信息论方法对基因数据进行分析和有用信息提取。

    Then by using biology theory , statistics and information-theoretic approach , the genetic data are discussed and useful information is abstained .

  19. 文章把模糊理论及教育统计学理论应用到教学测量中,为科学地分析学生成绩提供了一种切实可行的途径。

    This article , applying the theory of obscurity and that of educational statistics to educational survey , offers a more feasible way to analyse student achievements scientifically .

  20. 基于石油地质理论,利用统计学的方法对测定的各种数据进行统计学分析,发现变量之间的内在联系,指导我们的石油勘探开发。

    Based on the existing petroleum geological theory , statistic method can be used to find out the internal relationships among variables in order to guide the exploration and development of petroleum .

  21. 矩阵理论在现代统计学的许多分支都有广泛的应用,成为统计学中不可缺少的工具。同时统计学中又提出了许多新的有关矩阵论的课题,刺激了矩阵论的发展。

    Matrix theory has come into wide use in many branches of the modern statistics and has become an indispensable tool in the statistics , moreover their developments have been caused by many concerning problems proposed in the statistics .

  22. 极值理论是次序统计学的一门分支,传统上被用来预测海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害,近年来已被广泛地应用于金融风险的管理中。

    The theory of extreme value ( EVT ) is a branch of order statistics , which traditionally can be used as a tool forecasting tsunami , earthquake and flood . Recently it has been applied to financial risk management .

  23. 不同ICU工作年限的学员理论成绩差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    But there was no difference among the trainees with different working years ( P > 0.05 ) .

  24. 方法对我市46所医院105名参加ICU专科护士培训学员的最终考核结果归纳总结,并针对理论考核结果进行统计学分析。

    Method The scores of 105 trainees from 46 hospitals who attending the training of ICU clinical nurse specialist were summed up and analyzed .

  25. 期望估计理论论证了数理统计学中的点估计仅仅是期望估计域的一项边缘估计。

    Expectation estimate theory demonstrates that point estimate is a boundary estimate of the domain of expection estimate .

  26. 基于区变量理论,通过地统计学的半变异函数定量研究吉林省中部德惠市土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾和速效磷的空间异质性特征。

    Based on regionalized variable theory , semivariograms of geo-statistics were used to research the spatial variability of soil properties quantificationally .

  27. 自组织临界性理论只是一种统计学理论,这种统计学理论不能全面解释电力系统灾变的发生机制。

    Self-organization critical theory is just a statistical theory , it can not fully explain the occurrence of c power system collapse .

  28. 此外,运用人身保险需求理论和相关的统计学方法来分析某一特定地域的人身保险需求状况和存在的问题,其理论和实际意义也是不容忽视的。

    Moreover , using life insurance demand theory and relative statistic methods to analyze the situations of life insurance demand in a certain area also means much theoretically and practically .

  29. 本文运用模糊集理论,并将统计学方法和人的经验合为一体,提出了一种放罐时机的启发式模糊识别、预报的建模方法。

    A modelling approach of the heuristic fuzzy recognition and prediction to the draw-off timing is developed by using the fuzzy set theory and combining the statistics method with human experience .

  30. 另外,在实证分析过程中,创新地运用先进的项目管理的理论和技术以及统计学、运筹学、计算机等方面的知识,对我省高速公路贷款项目风险进行了大量定量分析。

    Moreover , in the process of analyzing the solid evident , the thesis creatively takes advantages of advanced theories , technique , covariance , the strategies , and does lots of quantity quantitative analyses on the risk of highway loan project in Sichuan .