
  • 网络ESAB;Isa;Issa;Eisa
  1. 德国伊萨切割机的故障分析和维修技巧

    Fault Analysis and Repair Techniques of Germany ESAB Cutting Machine

  2. 伊萨公司-HNG系列窄间隙埋弧焊接系统

    ESAB ── HNG Series Narrow-gap Submerged Are Welding System

  3. 伊萨的白色沙滩帽在刺眼的阳光下闪闪发亮。

    Issa 's white beach hat gleamed in the harsh lights

  4. 为了评估室内生活方式的影响,科学家们观察了另一种会为睡眠搭窝的哺乳动物—黑猩猩—他们从坦桑尼亚伊萨谷的黑猩猩巢穴中采集了样本。

    To assess the impact of this indoor lifestyle , scientists looked at another mammal which builds structures for sleeping in – the chimpanzee – collecting samples from nests in the Issa Valley in Tanzania .

  5. 毛衣石公司(SweaterStoneInc.)是一家位于华盛顿州伊萨夸市(Issaquah,Wash.)的去除毛球设备生产商,该公司销售经理盖尔・森丝尼(GaleSenseny)每年都会用一个小诀窍来防止自己衣橱里的毛衣起球。

    Gale Senseny , sales manager of Sweater Stone Inc. , makers of a pill-removing device in Issaquah , Wash . , has a once-a-year trick to help prevent pilling on the sweaters that fill her wardrobe .

  6. AngelaCornell是纽约伊萨卡市的康奈尔法学院的一名教授,她说去年的富士康多人自杀事件发生后,许多问题也浮出水面。

    Angela Cornell is a professor at the Cornell Law School in Ithaca , New York . She says many issues were raised last year after a number of at the Foxconn factories .

  7. 钱科家的儿子,53岁的埃里克·钱科(EricChanko)是纽约州伊萨卡市的一名医生,他表示他也很难接受节目中自己同行的做法。

    The Chankos " son Eric Chanko , 53 , a physician who works at a hospital in Ithaca , N.Y. , said he , too , struggled to reconcile what he saw on the air with his own work .

  8. 伊萨此前曾有过5段婚姻,前4段都是因为妻子去世而结束,只有第5段的结果是离婚。

    Four of his wives have died and he divorced the fifth .

  9. 在奇前伊萨有玛雅城的古遗。

    There are ruins in Chichen Itza of a very old Mayan city .

  10. 编辑法提本伊萨从事这一行已经30年了。

    Editor Fathi ben-issa has been working in the business for 30 years .

  11. 伊萨故意逗他,他们相视一笑,开始享受着柠檬汁。

    They shared a smile and drank the lemonade .

  12. 伊萨餐厅是世界第一家海底餐厅,今年是它开业10周年。

    The world 's first undersea restaurant celebrates its 10th anniversary this year .

  13. 伊萨公司&高效率生产钢梁与型材的设备简介

    ESAB ── Brief Introduction to Equipment for High-efficiency production steel Girder and Bar section

  14. 伊萨奥义书着重于人类灵魂与神的灵魂的同一性。

    The Isha-upanishad emphasizes the identity of the human soul with the divine soul .

  15. 语言:法语、阿拉伯语为官方语言。伊萨族讲索马里语,阿法尔族讲阿法尔语。

    Language : french and Arabic are the official languages , although afar and Somali are widely spoken .

  16. 伊萨是一家注重正直与工作热情的跨国性企业,始终处于全球焊接领域的前沿位置。

    ESAB is an international company of integrity and passion operating at the cutting edge of global welding .

  17. 而今,伊萨河畔的这座城市已成为经济和媒体发达的大都市,享有国际盛誉。

    Today the city on the river Isar is an economic and media metropolis with an international reputation .

  18. 伊萨表示,他会看看勒纳是否必须要回答一些问题,即使不是全部。

    Issa said he 'll see if Lerner can be compelled to answer some questions , if not all of them .

  19. 期间里兹卡诺摔倒了好几次,最后伊萨找了根木棒给他拄着走,并最终用它拽着教授向山顶爬去。

    Lizcano fell so often that Isaza found him a walking stick and finally used it to pull the professor toward the summit .

  20. 众议院监管委员会的共和党头目达雷尔•伊萨说,这一事件加重了人们对证交会的独立性与公平性的严重质疑。

    It raises " serious questions about the commission 's independence and impartiality ," said Darrell Issa , the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee .

  21. 本文通过对伊萨上海公司在技术工人绩效管理方面的案例分析来阐述绩效管理的基本原则和开展方式,同时也希望能够为其它企业提供一些参考的意义。

    This article will explain the basic principle of performance management and how to implement it , and wish to proved some reference to other enterprises .

  22. 六年之后,伊萨,此位被佛陀选派来弘扬圣言的人,已经成为一位圣典佛经的完美弘法者。

    Six years after , Issa , whom the Buddha had selected to spread his holy word , had become perfect expositor of the sacred writings .

  23. 国际奥委会道德委员会将对非洲足联主席伊萨•哈亚图展开调查。哈亚图受指控曾收受国际足联前市场部门的“黑金”。

    The International Olympic Committee will open an ethics investigation into Issa Hayatou over allegations the African football official took kickbacks from FIFA 's former marketing agency .

  24. 路过一个水坑,伊萨从树上摘了一片树叶,窝成锥形,然后掏出些柠檬粉倒在里面。

    At a watering hole , Isaza pulled a leaf off a tree , shaped it like a cone , and added some powdered lemonade he 'd been saving .

  25. 他告诉士兵他的名字,然后指着河岸的伊萨对士兵说,“我不能抛弃他。”

    He told the soldiers his name , then pointed across the water to Isaza , who had reappeared on the shore . " I can 't abandon him . "

  26. 现年110岁的马来西亚老人艾哈迈德•默罕迈德•伊萨日前表示,82岁的寡妇萨纳•艾哈迈德已经答应了他的求婚,两人即将举办婚礼。

    A110-year-old Malaysian man who has been looking for a wife said he was ready to marry again after an82-year-old woman responded to his wish , a report said Sunday .

  27. 伊萨来自加州的共和党,他快速中止了会议,当时马里兰的民主党员以利亚·康明兹想要说话时,伊萨甚至关掉了其麦克风。

    Issa , a California Republican , quickly adjourned the hearing , even turning off the microphone of Elijah Cummings , a Maryland Democrat , when he attempted to speak .

  28. 不久前,已有20名孙辈和40名曾孙辈的伊萨主动和当地媒体《马来西亚使者报》联系,希望通过该报找到一位“老伴儿”来陪伴并照顾他。

    Ahmad Mohamad Isa , who has20 grandchildren and40 great-grandchildren , told Malay-language newspaper Utusan Malaysia earlier this week that he wanted company and a wife to take care of him .

  29. 播音员:埃及四大报纸编辑因涉嫌诽谤胡斯尼•穆巴拉克总统而被宣判入狱,其中一位,亚伯拉罕•伊萨将面临第二次审讯。

    ANNOUNCER : Four newspapers editors in Egypt have been given prison sentences for defaming President Hosni Mubarak and one of them , Abraham Issa , is due to stand trial again .

  30. 伊萨能够提供用于管道焊接的各种解决方案。比如等离子电弧焊、厚度达到8毫米的对焊、埋弧焊工作站或者是机械化(轨道式)氩弧焊设备等等。

    Have a look at our solutions for plasma arc welding but welding up to8 mm , our Submerged arc welding stations or maybe our mechanised ( orbital ) TIG equipment for tubes or pipes .