
  • 网络language service
  1. 它提供的IDE特性包括:用于快速体验的脚本模式,用于应用程序开发的项目模式,以及通过新的语言服务来实现的增强的智能感知。

    IDE features include a scripting mode for quick experiments , a project mode for application development , and improved Intellisense via a new language service .

  2. 如果酒店成立一个语言服务中心,阁下认为会给欧美客人带来更多的方便吗?

    Do you believe it will provide better service to you if we set up a language service center ?

  3. SCA定义了一种XML语言服务组件定义语言(ServiceComponentDefinitionLanguage,SCDL),该语言允许开发人员定义组件并将其连接起来。

    SCA defines an XML language , Service Component Definition Language ( SCDL ), which allows developers to define the components and the wiring between them .

  4. 如今,wwe在145个国家拥有业务,提供30种语言服务。

    WWE now operates in 145 countries and in 30 languages .

  5. 有一家公司能为游客提供俄语、印尼语等13种语言服务。

    One company has 13 languages available , including Russian and Indonesian .

  6. 语言服务有微观和宏观双重含义。

    Language services have a dual meaning at the micro-level and the macro-level .

  7. 各类微观层面的语言服务都是对语言资源的开发和利用。

    Microcosmically , different types of language services are the development and utilization of language resources .

  8. 宏观层面的语言服务是对语言资源的合理配置和对语言问题的妥善解决。

    Macrocosmically , language services are the rational allocation of language resources and the proper solution to language problems .

  9. 广州亚运会多种语言服务中心将于16日在广东外语外贸大学正式开通。

    The multilingual service centre for the16th Asian Games opened officially in the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies on Saturday .

  10. 语境的存在是为了语言服务的。

    The understanding of language is inseparable from the context , and the existence of the context serves the language .

  11. 它是英国广播公司取消的五个语言服务中最后一个,因为政府资金减少了。

    It 's the last of five language services being shut down by the BBC because of cuts in government funding .

  12. 通过使用语言服务,最终用户能够使用像语音输入这样更人性化的友好的界面。

    By using linguistic services , a more human-friendly interface such as speech input can be enabled for the end user .

  13. 超市的员工可以提供英语、日语、泰语等多国语言服务,也可以提供基本的手语服务。

    Supermarket employees can provide services in English , Japanese , Thai and many other languages , and they also know some basic sign language .

  14. 在以前的排行榜上,我们注意到全球20(现在25)强的语言服务提供商整体收入不高。

    In previous lists , we 've noted how little of the overall language revenue is earned by the Top20 ( now25 ) language service providers .

  15. 事实上,出租车行业语言服务现状受语言本体、从业者素质、相关监管工作、培训工作以及其他外在因素等多方面因素的综合影响。

    In fact , the language itself , the quality of practitioners , related to supervision , training are combined to effects thedevelopment of the taxi jargon usage .

  16. 对于那些主营业务非语言服务但拥有提供此类服务的业务部门的公司,我们只考虑该业务部门的收入。

    For these companies whose main activity is not language services , but have business units or divisions that provide such services , we considered only that unit 's revenue .

  17. 随着新疆与国内外交流的日益扩大,对口译这种即时、高效的语言服务提出巨大需求。

    With the exchanges enlargement of Xinjiang and domestic and foreign countries , interpretation , as a special language , which can provide instant and efficient service , will be made great demand in the future .

  18. “无国界翻译组织”是美国一家非盈利组织,为诸如“无国界医生组织”之类的非政府组织提供语言服务,该组织最近在内罗毕培训了一些新译员,培训内容是为肯尼亚人将医疗信息翻译成当地语言。

    Translators Without Borders is an American nonprofit group . It provides language services to nongovernmental organizations such as , yes , Doctors Without Borders . The group recently trained some new translators in Nairobi in how to put health information into local languages for Kenyans .

  19. 他是开发多语言web服务显示框的骨干工程师。

    He is the key Engineer for developing multilingual web service show box .

  20. 既然您已经准备好了环境,那么您就可以实现多语言web服务了。

    Now that you have prepared the environment , you are ready to implement multilingual web services .

  21. 在使用Java编程语言公开服务时,需要考虑两种类型的服务提供程序

    There are two kinds of service providers to think about when exposing your service using the Java programming language

  22. 今年,BBC在巴尔干半岛关闭了最后一个当地语言广播服务积木。

    This year the BBC closed its last local-language radio services in the Balkans .

  23. 用Web本体语言描述服务协定,提供了一种新的SLA描述语言,该语言可以方便地同代理等技术结合,实现管理方面的自动化。

    Exploiting OWL to express service agreement can make a new agreement language , and it can easily be integrated with the agents to realize the management automation .

  24. 首先,对Web服务发现的相关技术进行了详细探讨,包括Web服务系统架构、技术规范、服务发现机制、服务描述语言和服务发现分类。

    The related technology of web services discovery is discussed in detail , including the system architecture of web services , technical manual , the mechanism of services discovery , the description language of services and the assorting of services discovery .

  25. 本文提出一种以OWL-S作为服务定义语言的服务查询匹配模型。

    We design a model defined by the OWL-S for Web services finding and matching .

  26. 其中,ESB充当使用不同数据和消息格式、网络协议和编程语言的服务之间的“粘合剂”。

    Among other things , an ESB serves as the " glue " between services that use different data and message formats , network protocols , and programming languages .

  27. 给出了一种基于OWL-S语言的服务描述以及服务的查找方法。

    A method which used the description of the services based on OWL-S language and service searching is given .

  28. 这个SDK也包含一些在DLR之上构建新语言的服务,包括共享的动态类型系统和语言托管模型。

    The SDK also includes services to build new languages on top of the DLR , including a shared , dynamic type system and a language hosting model .

  29. 首先介绍分布式应用系统的研究背景与意义、对分布式对象技术及其三个主要标准作了总结,其中详细讨论了CORBA的体系结构、ORB、IDL语言和服务。

    First , the background of distributed application system is introduced , and the technology of distributed object and three main standards are summarized especially the architecture of CORBA , ORB and IDL .

  30. 在推特聚焦与语言的服务项目同时,Clixtr,另外一个实时服务,聚焦于群的照片分享,用户可以在一个活动现场就可以照片形式来不断上传图片。

    While Twitter focuses on words , Clixtr , another real time service , focuses on group photo sharing where users can update their photo streams with photos while at an event .