
  • 网络of a river;Flows east;shito ryu
东流 [dōng liú]
  • (1) [water flow eastward]∶水向东流

  • 恰似一江春水向东流。--南唐. 李煜《虞美人》

  • (2) [waterways;water flowed eastward]∶向东流的水,泛指河川

  1. 朝看水东流,暮看日西坠。

    Watch the water flows east toward sunset see day west , crash .

  2. 当河水逐渐东流到了北海,河神向东望去,完全看不见对岸在哪里。

    When river flows east to North Sea , the River God looked east and couldn 't find the other bank .

  3. 河流转向东流时河道大幅度变宽。

    The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east .

  4. 这条河折向东流。

    The river bends to the east .

  5. 河水向东流去。

    The river flowed to the east .

  6. 小河弯弯曲曲地向东流去。

    The brook meanders eastwards .

  7. 优秀的领导离开了公司,诺基亚发展的远景和方向也随之东流。

    Good leaders left the company , taking Nokia 's sense of vision and directions with them .

  8. 雄伟的长江滚滚东流。

    The waters of the Changjiang River rolled to the east on majestically .

  9. 长江滚滚向东流。

    The Changjiang River rolls on eastwards .

  10. 这条河从这里向东流。

    The river here tends eastward .

  11. 多数分析师一开始曾预期此次召回将令三星损失1万亿至1.5万亿韩元收入,但他们现在担心该公司受到的打击要更大一些,因为此次召回令三星抢在苹果(Apple)发布iPhone7之前发售新品的机会付之东流。

    Most analysts had initially expected the recall to cost Samsung Won1tn-Won1.5tn in lost revenues , but they now fear a bigger impact on the company due to the recall costing Samsung an opportunity to steal a march on Apple 's launch of the iPhone 7 .

  12. 恰似一江春水向东流。

    Just like the spring water in river flowing east !

  13. 长江滔滔东流,永不停息。(感慨)

    The Changjiang River is forever flowing towards the east .

  14. 取这个名字是因为水往东流?

    Is it called Iike that because it flows toward the east ?

  15. 诚信创造完美是东流时永远追求的目标。

    Perfection created by honesty is our perpetual target .

  16. 乳山湾东流区沉积物中氮形态的分布特征

    Distribution of nitrogen in sediments of Eastern Rushan Bay

  17. 时间像河水,滚滚向东流。

    Time is like water , it keeps going .

  18. 金沙江东流的研究

    Study on the Eastward Flow of the Jinsha River

  19. 乳山湾东流区滩涂贝类养殖环境中自身污染现状分析

    Self-pollution status in shellfish mudflat culture areas of the Rushan Bay East Valley

  20. 英国最长的河流;向东流经伦敦,流入北海。

    The longest river in England ; flows eastward through London to the North Sea .

  21. 乳山湾东流区丰水期(8月)有机物及营养盐的环境容量

    Environmental carrying capacity of organic matter and nutrient salt in Rushan Bay East Valley in August

  22. 堪萨斯州东北的一条河流;东流成为密苏里河的一条支流。

    A river in northeastern Kansas ; flows eastward to become a tributary of the Missouri River .

  23. 西方资本日益东流的趋势并没有消失,而只是推迟了。

    The trend of increasing capital flows from west to east is not cancelled but merely postponed .

  24. 泰晤士河右岸位于那边,因为这条河是往东流的。

    The right bank of the Thames River is on the south side because the river flows east .

  25. 我国区域经济发展中,出现了中部塌陷,而人才东流和教育投资不足造成的人才资源短缺是塌陷的主要因素之一。

    In the development of the regional economy of our country there appeared the collapse of the middle part .

  26. 正因为江河之水的不断东流,两岸的土地才得以灌溉,人类才得以繁衍生息。

    And rivers flowing eastward made irrigation possible and brought life to the world as well as human beings .

  27. 青衣渡口,绿柳桥头,一片叶舟,送春,踏水东流。

    Tsing Yi Ferry , Willow Bridge , a leaf boat , sending the spring , Ta Shui river flows .

  28. 发源于堪萨斯州北部的一条河流,向东流入俄克拉荷马州成为阿肯色州河的一条支流。

    A river that rises in eastern Kansas and flows eastward into Oklahoma to become a tributary of the Arkansas river .

  29. 山东是个巨大的被向东流去的大海环绕的半岛,黄河曲折的流经其中部。

    Shandong is a large peninsula surrounded by the sea to the East and the Yellow River meandering through the center .

  30. 但是当大风暴席卷而来,北边的洋流转而向东流去,屏障消失。

    But when a large storm rolls through , the barrier is switched off as strong northern flows are diverted eastward .