
  1. 东盟投资区的提出与发展

    The Development of ASEAN Investment Area and Its Effect

  2. 粤商企业对东盟投资创业的区位选择&基于引力模型的分析

    On the Location Choice of FDI in ASEAN for Cantonese Businessmen , Enterprises & An Analysis Based on the Gravity Model

  3. 在现实意义上,此研究为中国企业制定对东盟投资战略提供参考。

    The practical meaning lies in that this study will be helpful for Chinese companies to formulate their investing strategies in ASEAN .

  4. 另外,还介绍了目前调整中国企业对东盟投资的法律规范体系,包括中国与东盟之间的世界性投资规范、区域性投资规范、双边投资协定和东盟各国外商投资法规范。

    In addition , this section also introduce the current system of legal norms that regulating the investment of Chinese enterprises in ASEAN , including international investment norms , regional investment norms , bilateral investment agreements between China and ASEAN and foreign investment laws of the ASEAN countries .

  5. 促进中国对东盟直接投资的金融对策

    The Financial Strategy to Promote the FDI from China to ASEAN

  6. 中国企业对东盟直接投资问题分析

    The Analysis on the Issue of Chinese Enterprises Invest directly to ASEAN

  7. 东盟国家投资法律环境分析

    Study on the Environment of Investment Law in ASEAN Nations

  8. 中国&东盟相互投资法律协调问题研究

    Studies on Legal Coordination Issues Concerning China-ASEAN Mutual Investment

  9. 东盟国家投资环境的改善,是吸引外商投资的重要因素。

    The improved environment is a significant factor for ASEAN to attract FDI .

  10. 第四章,分析中国&东盟直接投资的政策,并提出建议。

    Chapter ⅳ, analysis the policy of China-Asean direct investment and make some advice .

  11. 中国对东盟国家投资分析

    Analysis of China 's Investments in ASEAN Countries

  12. 中国跨国公司在东盟直接投资优势评价的研究

    The Study of Evaluating the Comparative Advantage of Chinese Enterprises ' Direct Investment over ASEAN

  13. 云南对东盟直接投资的行业主要集中在对自然资源的开发和农业合作投资上。

    The investment focused on the development of natural resources and cooperative investment of agriculture .

  14. 云南对东盟直接投资的年度流量一直处于快速增长阶段。

    The annual flow of direct investment from Yunnan province to ASEAN is growing at a high speed .

  15. 然而,在东盟进行投资存在不可预知的风险,政治风险是在东盟进行投资所要面临的投资风险之一。

    However , there are unpredictable risks when inventing in ASEAN , political risk is the main risk .

  16. 通过对宏观数据和微观个案的分析和总结,中国企业对东盟的投资有着自身的特点。

    Through analysis and summary of macro data and micro cases , Chinese enterprises investment in ASEAN has its own characteristics .

  17. 接着总结和评述了中国对东盟直接投资的产业分布格局的现状,并分析了中国对东盟投资产业的选择给中国带来的经济效应;

    Secondly , making a conclusion and comment on the present status of industries ' distribution of China 's direct investment to ASEAN ;

  18. 中国企业对东盟的投资主要是集中在制造业、电力开发、批发和零售业、采矿等行业。

    Chinese companies pay much attention on invest manufacturing , power development , wholesale and retail trade , mining and so on to ASEAN .

  19. 另外,限于篇幅和时间,本文没有涉及到对东盟直接投资的进入模式问题。

    Additionally , due to the space and time , this paper does not involve the entry mode of foreign direct investment in ASEAN countries .

  20. 第三,从投资动机和投资类型两个角度,具体分析中国对东盟直接投资的贸易效应。

    From the point of motivation and types of the investment , this paper analyzes the trade effect which caused by Chinese direct investment to ASEAN .

  21. 在产业选择中,中国的相对优势产业、短缺要素产业、与我国结构调整方向一致的产业和高科技产业是中国今后对东盟直接投资的重点产业。

    The key targets will be the industries of comparative advantage , short resources , high technology and the industries that is accordant with the economic structure regulating in China .

  22. 日韩对中国和东盟的投资发展也带动了区域内各国的经济发展,有利于在整个10+3区域内实现资源的重新配置,形成合理的产业分工体系。

    Japan and Korea prosperous investment in China and ASEAN contribute a lot to regional development , which in turn is in favor of the reasonable resources reallocation and industrial division system .

  23. 最后,剖析了中国对东盟直接投资在产业选择和分布格局方面存在的问题,提出了构建合理的中国对东盟投资产业选择战略的对策和建议。

    Finally , raising the countermeasures and proposals to optimize the present status on the basis of anatomizing the problems of industries ' selection and distribution of China 's direct investment to ASEAN .

  24. 然后是对目前中国、东盟直接投资现状的分析,指出虽然目前双方直接投资规模不大,但建立自由贸易区后双方相互投资的潜力巨大。

    Then the current China , direct investment in ASEAN , the analysis of the status quo , pointing out that although the scale of direct investment , but after the establishment of a free trade zone between the investment potential .

  25. 随着2009年中国和东盟《投资协议》的正式签署,中国东盟自由贸易区建设的主要法律程序已经基本完成,从而标志着中国东盟自由贸易区于2010年如期建成。

    With the signing of Agreement on Investment of the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between China and ASEAN in 2009 , the main proceedings of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area have been basically completed , which marking the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area completed on schedule in 2010 .

  26. 中国对东盟纺织业投资的经济效应分析

    The Economic Effect Analysis of China Textile Industry Investment to ASEAN

  27. 税收优惠+东盟市场柬埔寨投资商机无限&专访柬埔寨·重庆工商总会会长孙鹤先生

    Preferential Duty + ASEAN Market Boundless Opportunities to Invest in Cambodia

  28. 中国对东盟国家直接投资的产业选择研究

    A Study on Industry Selection for China 's Direct Investment to Asean

  29. 中国&东盟的直接投资关系:趋势与展望

    Direct Investment between China and ASEAN : Trend and Development

  30. 东盟国家外资投资的发展特点与趋势

    Features and Trends of the Developments of Foreign Investments in ASEAN Countries