
  • 网络reinvest profits;Reinvesting profit;Ploughed Back;reinvested earnings;ploughback
  1. 韦恩。布朗纳说,利润再投资的家族长远规划及意愿使公司成长为今日之公司。

    Wayne Bronner says the family 's long-term planning and willingness to reinvest profits has grown the company into what it is today .

  2. 第三,把重点放在创新,并把利润再投资给研发。

    Third , focus on innovation and reinvest profits into R & D.

  3. 将利润再投资于工厂和设备

    Plough profits Back into new plant and equipment

  4. 协助财务经理完成有关利润再投资,公司保险等相关工作。

    Help finance manager at adhoc assignment , such as insurance and profit reinvestment .

  5. 我们计划将我们这小生意的大部分利润再投资到资本设备上。

    We plan to reinvest most of the profits from our small business into capital equipment .

  6. 和其他新公司一样,Freewaves倾向于向投资者支付较低的股息,更愿意将利润再投资于研发。

    Like other new companies , Freewaves has tended to pay low dividends to investors , preferring to re-invest profits in research and development .

  7. 如果实业巨头把他们的一部分利润再投资于新工厂和新机器,英国工业今天的境况会更好些。

    British manufacturing would be in a better state today if the captains of industry had reinvested some of their profits in new factories and machines .

  8. 亚马逊(Amazon.com)创始人兼首席执行官贝佐斯通过将短期利润再投资到公司中,打造了611亿美元的年营业收入,那些沉不住气的投资者活该倒霉。

    Com ( AMZN ) founder and CEO built his $ 61.1 billion-a-year business by plowing short-term profits back into the business , restless investors be damned .

  9. 中国宣布了一项期待已久的计划,要求国有企业支付红利,这项重大政策改革的目的,是为了减少大量资金充裕的国有企业将利润再投资的行为。

    China has announced the long-awaited launch of a programme requiring state companies to pay dividends , a big policy reform aimed at cutting reinvestment of profits by many cashed-up government enterprises .

  10. 当年所得全部利润均再投资于该企业。

    All the profits for the year were ploughed back into the business .

  11. 美国中西部企业处境不佳,因为它们中的许多是家族企业,没有将所得利润用于再投资。

    Midwestern businesses are badly positioned because many are family-owned and have not reinvested their profits .

  12. 低估的实际汇率水平、资本控制、以及鼓励企业将利润用于再投资而非发放股息的做法,都加大了资本配置不当的风险。

    The risks & # 8201 ; of misallocation are increased by an undervalued real exchange rate , capital controls and incentives to reinvest profits rather than pay dividends .

  13. 讲管理,昔年高利润,再投资,新年大发展。

    Stress was laid on management , and high profits were gained in the old year . Reinvest and there will Be a great development in the New Year .

  14. 新的工业行业创造出企业家,他们将利润进行再投资,以分散其业务,并通过这种做法,提高其产出的先进程度及其员工的能力。

    The new industrial sector creates entrepreneurs who reinvest profits in diversifying their business and in doing so develop the sophistication of their output and their employees ' capabilities .

  15. 外商将其已投资企业所获利润,直接再投资该企业或新建企业,享受国家再投资退返税的优惠政策;

    Foreign traders , who reinvest their gained profits to their invested enterprises or newly established enterprises , shall enjoy the preferential policy of reinvestment drawbacks .

  16. 另一方面外商直接投资通过出口及进口替代、利润汇出及再投资等活动总体上会对外汇储备产生正效应,即间接造成我国外汇储备增加。

    On the other hand , as a whole , foreign direct investment would have a positive effect on foreign exchange reserves through the export and import substitution , export of profits and re-investment , etc. , which indirectly led to the increase of foreign exchange reserves in China .

  17. 其中大部分利润都被用于再投资,通常投资于房地产,有时也投资于股市。

    Much of this has been reinvested , often in property and at times in the stock market .

  18. 这份报告表示,非同寻常的生产率增长是中国竞争力的主要推动因素,这为企业带来了利润,而这些利润又被进行再投资,进而带来更大的利润。

    The report said that extraordinary growth in productivity had been the main driver of Chinese competitiveness , creating profits that companies pour back into investment that in turn leads to greater profits .

  19. 奥巴马还将提议未来对美国企业的海外利润征税19%,使它们享受外国税收抵免,并允许它们将海外利润再投资于美国,而不再承受其他惩罚。

    Mr Obama will also propose a 19 per cent tax on future foreign earnings , giving companies a credit on foreign taxes and allowing them to be reinvested in the US with no additional penalty .