
  • 网络Enterprise branches;branch offices
  1. 日本基于企业分支机构集聚的城市成长极限及今后振兴方向

    The Limitation of Urban Growth Due to the Agglomeration of Branch Offices in Japan and the Alternative Directionality of Urban Vitalization in Future

  2. 如何防范企业分支机构的财务舞弊行为

    How to Guard Against Financial Fraudulent Practices in Branches of Enterprise

  3. 外商投资企业分支机构所得税政策差异分析

    An Analysis on Disparities of Income Tax Policies concerning Branches of Foreign-invested Enterprises

  4. 企业分支机构如何办理注销登记?

    How to cancel its registration for the branch of a foreign-funded enterprise ?

  5. A集团在华企业分支机构也多次在国内获得最佳雇主称号。在当前中国大力进行产业升级的时代背景下,我国国内制造企业提高自身人本管理的水平是势在必行。

    The branches in China of A Group have also received the title of best employer domestically for many times . Currently , China is promoting its domestic industries to be upgraded to a higher level .

  6. 基于Web的制造企业异地分支机构财务管理系统

    System of Financial Management in Branch Organization of Webbased Firm in Different Place

  7. 跨国医药企业境外分支机构的研发活动概况

    R & D Activities by Abroad Affiliates of Multinational Pharmaceutical Companies

  8. 动漫企业设有分支机构的,在企业法人注册地进行申报。

    Animation business , with branches in the corporate registration to declare .

  9. 快速消费品企业销售分支机构财务管理的研究

    Study on Financial Management of Branch Organization of Selling in Enterprise of FMCG

  10. 第十八条售出的邮资凭证不得向邮政企业及其分支机构兑换现金。

    Article 18 . Postage certificates sold shall not be cashed in postal enterprises or their branch offices .

  11. 凡是有国有资产的合资、合作企业及其分支机构,均属审计机关的审计范围。

    Any equity and contractual joint ventures and their branches that have State-owned assets shall be subject to examination by auditing offices .

  12. 邮政企业及分支机构的设置标准,由邮电部规定;

    The standards for the establishment of postal enterprises and their branch offices shall be stipulated by the Ministry of post and telecommunications ;

  13. 本文对全球医药企业境外分支机构开展研发活动的总体情况,以及跨国医药企业海外研发机构的情况进行综合分析。

    This article introduces the R D activities of abroad affiliates of multinational pharmaceutical companies , and abroad R D affiliates of global pharmaceuticals .

  14. 外商投资合伙企业及其分支机构根据业务需要,可以向企业登记机关申请核发若干营业执照副本。

    If necessary , a foreign-funded partnership enterprise or any branch officer thereof may apply to the registration organ for two or more copies of the business license .

  15. 邮政企业及其分支机构应当在国务院邮政主管部门规定的期限内将查询结果通知查询人。

    Postal enterprises or Branch offices shall inform inquirers of the results of inquiry within the time limit set by the competent department of postal services under the State Council .

  16. 第二十二条邮政企业及其分支机构应当按照国务院邮政主管部门规定的时限投交邮件。

    Article 22 . Postal enterprises and their branch offices shall deliver postal materials within the time limits laid down by the competent department of postal services under the State Council .

  17. (三)平常邮件:指邮政企业及其分支机构在收寄时不出具收据,投递时不要求收件人签收的邮件。

    Ordinary postal materials : referring to the postal materials that postal enterprises and their branch offices do not issue receipts for upon acceptance and posting , and do not request recipients to sign for on delivery .

  18. 通过建立统一的招聘管理模式可规范企业各个分支机构的人才选拔机制、使企业各分支机构的招聘工作均能达到一个较高的水平,有利于企业对人才的选拔。

    Establishing a unified recruiting management mode will standardize the selective mechanism of talents in each branch , enabling the recruitment of each branch to reach a high level , furthermore favoring the choosing of talents by the enterprises .

  19. 用户交寄的信件必须符合准寄内容的规定,必要时邮政企业及其分支机构有权要求用户取出进行验视。

    Mail handed in or posted by users must be in line with the stipulations concerning the content allowed to be posted ; postal enterprises and their branch offices have the right to request users to take out the contents for examination , when necessary .

  20. 第十三条邮政企业及其分支机构不得擅自停办国务院邮政主管部门和地区邮政管理机构规定的必须办理的邮政业务。

    Article 13 . Postal enterprises and their branch offices shall not arbitrarily close down those postal businesses that must be handled according to the stipulations made by the competent department of postal services under the State Council and the regional administrative organ of postal services .

  21. (四)给据邮件:指挂号信件、邮包、保价邮件等由邮政企业及其分支机构在收寄时出具收据,投递时要求收件人签收的邮件。

    Vouchered postal materials : referring to postal materials such as registered mail , postal parcels , insured postal materials , etc. that the postal enterprises and their branch offices issue receipts for upon acceptance and posting , and for which recipients are requested to sign on delivery .

  22. VPN是网络时代企业不同地区分支机构间通信的主要手段,Tunnel技术更是VPN实现的主要手段。

    VPN is a main mean to communicate between a company 's branches of different areas in network echo . , most of which is realized through Tunnel .

  23. 外商投资企业如何设立分支机构?

    What should foreign invested enterprises do to establish branches ?

  24. 企业对海外分支机构的控制模式研究

    The Control Methods on Overseas Subsidiaries in MNCs

  25. 设立企业或者企业分支机构的,其生产经营场所的选址应当征得市空港办的同意。

    For establishment of enterprises or enterprise branches , the location choice for production and operation must be approved by the SAMCO .

  26. 个人独资企业投资人委派分支机构负责人的,应当提交投资人委派分支机构负责人的委托书及其身份证明。

    Where the investor of the wholly individually-owned enterprise entrusts a person in charge of the branch , power of attorney and certificate of identity of the person in charge of the branch shall be submitted .

  27. 根据规定,企业法人的分支机构有法人书面授权的,可以在授权范围内提供保证。

    According to the regulations , if a branch of an enterprise as a legal person has a power of attorney from the legal person , it may provide a suretyship within the scope of authority .

  28. 邮电代办所视同邮政企业所属的分支机构。

    The post and telecommunications agency shall be considered to be the branch office of postal enterprises .

  29. 今年毕业的许多学员,已经在跨国企业的在华分支机构中找到了工作。

    And many international students who graduated this year have found jobs in the branches of multinational corporations in China .

  30. 外商投资企业应当向其分支机构合理分摊与其生产、经营有关的管理费。

    Administrative expenses in connection with production and business operations shall be allocated reasonably between enterprises with foreign investment and their branches .