
  • 网络enterprises' management mechanisms;enterprises’ management mechanisms;Enterprise management
  1. 作为现代企业管理机制之一,预算管理是一系列其他管理手段所无法替代的。

    As one of the mechanisms of modern enterprise management , budget management is a series of other management tools which can not be replaced .

  2. 公司运用现代企业管理机制,在“精致、诚信”的企业信念下,造就了一批富有创造力的员工。

    Taking advantage of the modern enterprise management mechanism and under the direction of enterprise conviction of " Elaboration and Sincerity " CBC has brought up a batch of creative employees .

  3. 我国民营企业管理机制探析

    Surveying the Management Mechanism of Mass-run Enterprises in Our Country

  4. 基于广告营销行为的国有企业管理机制研究

    Research on Mechanism of Management of State-owned Enterprises Based on their Advertising Behavior

  5. 企业管理机制与计算机集成制造系统

    Business Management Mechanism and Computer Intergrated Manufacturing System

  6. 转换国有企业管理机制

    Transforming state-owned enterprises'management mechanisms

  7. 这种变革既是管理体制的变革,也是对企业管理机制的转型和创新。

    This reform is one by which the management system refines and the enterprise operating mechanism shifts and innovates as well .

  8. 现在,全面预算管理已发展成集控制、激励、评价等诸多管理职能于一体的企业管理机制。

    Now the Comprehensive budget control system has developed up to own control motivation evaluates and so on the business administration mechanism .

  9. 民营企业管理机制运作实效研究&对美的集团管理机制的s调查案例

    An Empirical Research on the Operation of Management System in Nongovernmental Enterprises : A Case Study on the Management Mechanism of Meidi Group

  10. 而改革企业管理机制,精耕细作,提高内部管理水平和加强竞争力是企业当今最重要的任务。

    Reforming management system , upgrading internal management level and reinforce competitive edge have become the priorities that has to be taken in the development of an enterprise .

  11. 随着市场经济的高度发展和资本市场的日益成熟,全面预算管理作为一种现代企业管理机制所发挥的作用越来越突出。

    With the market economy highly developed and capital market becoming more and more sophisticated , comprehensive budget management , as a modern enterprise management mechanism has played an increasingly prominent role .

  12. 同时从签订限制性契约,跟踪管理机制的建立,银行参与企业管理机制三个方面论述约束机制的设计。

    At the same time , from the signing restrictive contracts , the establishment of mechanisms to track and manage the banks involved in three aspects of corporate governance mechanisms which discussed in restraint mechanism design .

  13. 从研究优化企业管理机制的必要性出发,通过对企业管理机制的构成与实现进行了分析,并剖析了其作用原理,进而就如何优化企业管理机制提出了相关建议。

    Starting with the necessity of optimizing of management mechanism , the paper analyses the construction , realization and functional principle of enterprise management mechanism . Some suggestions on how to optimize the management mechanism are also proposed .

  14. 为建立与市场经济相适应的企业管理机制和管理方式,强化企业管理,财政部等四部委联合颁布了国有资本金效绩评价体系。

    In order to establish the management mechanism and pattern corresponding with the market economy , and to strengthen the administration of enterprises , China Ministry of Finance and other three Commissions jointly issued the Evaluation System of Benefits and Achievements of the State-owned Capital .

  15. 论文还重点论述了企业管理机制的创新对公司市场营销战略顺利实施的保障作用,对大中型国有企业营销战略的实施具有很强的现实指导意义。

    The thesis emphasized to discuss the business enterprise management mechanism of excellent turn to the company market marketing guarantee function of the strategic smooth implement , easily understood , have the very strong actuality leading meaning to the strategic implement of big and medium-sized state-owned business enterprise marketing .

  16. 通过建立企业投资管理机制、开展企业全面预算、进行内部项目竞争性承包、实施BT项目前期策划等方法,系统的解决企业BT风险。

    The companies can solve the BT risk problem by establishing the investment management mechanism , carrying out a comprehensive enterprise budgets , competitive contracting of internal projects , and pre-project planning to BT risk .

  17. 建立以财务管理为中心的企业管理运行机制

    Set Up the Business Operating Mechanism Faking Financial Administration as the Centre

  18. 现代企业人才管理机制的探索

    The Research on Talents ' Management Mechanism of Contemporary Companies

  19. 国有企业领导者管理机制与方法研究

    State-Owned Enterprise 's Leader Management Mechanism and Method Research

  20. 动力假手的自动增力机构企业危机管理机制探讨

    Automatic Force Booster Mechanism of Powered Artificial Hands

  21. 企业设备管理机制的转变

    Transformation of Facilities Management System in Enterprises

  22. 论企业管理创新机制的构建

    Building a Mechanism of Enterprise Management Innovation

  23. 企业管理与机制转换数字化信息时代企业管理范式的变迁

    Enterprises Management and Systematic Changing The Paradigm Shift of the Enterprises Management in the Digital Age

  24. 企业管理创新机制问题研究

    Research on Management Innovation Mechanism

  25. 中小企业融资管理机制的创新研究&基于利益相关者价值观视角

    An Innovative Research on the Financing Management of SMEs & Based on the view of stakeholders ' value

  26. 二是完善企业内部管理机制,打造规范有序的管理运行体系。

    Two is to improve the scientific and standardized modern enterprise management system , to create the process management system .

  27. 建立有效的企业道德管理机制,构筑快速行动的能力;

    Second , establish a set of effective mechanism on business ethical management and construct the ability of fast moving .

  28. 实行质量认证是质量管理的飞跃全球企业管理控制机制与营运绩效关系之研究

    Put into Effect the Guality Attestation is the Leaps of Quality Manage The Relationships between Control Mechanisms and Subsidiary 's Performances

  29. 因此,建立完善的现代企业财务管理机制是提高我国企业经济效益和建立现代企业制度的重要途径。

    So building up the perfect financial management mechanism is the most important way to improve economic performance and establish modern enterprise system .

  30. 它与人力资源的其他管理职能相配合,不断完善企业的管理机制,实现企业的管理目标。

    Combined with other functions of the human resources management , it improves the management mechanism and achieves the management goals of the enterprise .