
  1. 在企业财务失败预测模型中引入基于快速BP算法的人工神经网络,克服了标准BP算法的不足,比Fisher判别分析模型有着更强的预测能力。

    In this paper , the ANN Model based on the quick BP arithmetic is applied to predict the financial failure of corporation . It not only overcomes the shortcoming of standard BP arithmetic , but also has stronger predicting ability than the fisher discriminant analysis model .

  2. 现代企业财务失败预警系统的建立

    Establishment on early warning system of financial losing in modern enterprise

  3. 企业财务失败预警系统初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Early Warning System Against Financial Failure in Enterprises

  4. 关于企业财务失败预测模型的思考

    Thought about the model of forecasting enterprises financial failure

  5. 企业财务失败的预警分析及其实证研究

    Study on Precaution of Enterprises ' Financial Failure

  6. 由模型结论可知,权力过于集中是造成企业财务失败的一个重要因素。

    We can see from conclusions of model , excessive concentration of power is the cause of financial failure of business an important factor .

  7. 当风险来临时,企业就会有发生财务失败的可能。

    When the risk comes , the enterprise will meet with financial failure .

  8. 如何合理、有效地利用企业披露的财务信息防范企业财务失败,是企业持续经营与发展的一项重要内容,这就要求加强事前对未来可能出现的财务失败进行科学、准确地预测。

    How to prevent financial failure by making effectively full use of the disclosed corporation financial information is a important goal of sustainable operation and development of enterprises , which requires scientific and accurate forcast before the arising of financial failure .