
  • 网络durafiber;Dura fiber
  1. 本文讨论了粉煤灰、矿渣、杜拉纤维对混凝土膨胀性能的影响,在补偿收缩混凝土中,掺合料使其膨胀率减低,杜拉纤维可以提高混凝土的体积稳定性,显著提高劈拉强度。

    The effects of mineral additive such as fly ash , slag , and Dura fiber on concrete expansive property are studied , the results show that these mineral admixture reduce shrinkage in common concrete and also reduce expansive value in shrinkage - compensating concrete .

  2. 通过对杜拉纤维混凝土配合比试验,提出杜拉纤维混凝土的设计和施工工艺。

    Based on the ration experiment and practical engineering of du-lafiber concrete , to raise deign and construction technology of du-lafiber concrete .

  3. 通过对杜拉纤维混凝土的配合比进行试验,研究了杜拉纤维掺量对于混凝土的工作性能、力学性能以及耐久性的变化情况。

    By the experimentation of the mix ratio , the working performance , mechanics performance and durability of concrete mixed varied durafiber volume content are studied .

  4. 本研究提出了三种维修养护方案,其一为钢纤维混凝土修补层,其二为杜拉纤维混凝土修补层,此两种都为补强性修补层;

    This research put forward three repairing and curing projects : one is to use the steel fiber reinforced concrete to repair the road ; other is to use Dula fiber concrete to repair the layer ;