
  • 网络The Dolby Theatre;Dolby Theater
  1. 第90届奥斯卡颁奖典礼将于2018年3月4日在好莱坞高地中心的杜比剧院举行,将会在ABC电视网进行电视直播。

    The 90th Oscars will be held on March 4 , 2018 , at the Dolby Theatre at Hollywood And Highland Center , and will be televised live on the ABC Television Network .

  2. 我们期待杜比剧院的观众们以及在家收看电视的朋友们,听到Ellen将会主持奥斯卡的消息时,都同我们一样激动。

    She is beloved everywhere and we expect that the audience at the Dolby Theatre , and in homes around the globe , will be as excited by this news as we are .

  3. 我们对本月底在富丽堂皇的好莱坞杜比剧院将不幸落败的奥斯卡提名人深表同情。

    Pity the poor losing Oscar nominees at Hollywood 's opulent Dolby theatre later this month .

  4. 一辆满载游客的好莱坞观光旅游巴士,骤然停在了杜比剧院门口。此时的剧院内,奥斯卡金像奖颁奖典礼正按部就班地举行着。

    Tourists taking an open-deck bus tour of Hollywood 's sights pulled up outside the Dolby Theatre where the Academy Awards were taking place .

  5. 该观光旅行团被告知说要去参观一个展览会,却兜兜转转圈圈绕绕地被带到了杜比剧院。

    The tour bus group was taken by a circuitous route into the Dolby Theatre on the premise they were going to see an exhibit .

  6. 第88届奥斯卡入选名单将于2016年1月宣布,颁奖典礼将于2016年2月28日在美国洛杉矶的杜比剧院举行。

    The 88th Academy Awards nominations will be announced in January , 2016 . The Oscars will be held in late February at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood .

  7. 美国加州当地时间2月28日,第88届奥斯卡颁奖礼在好莱坞杜比剧院举行。今年的奥斯卡提名者有200多人,最终获奖的那部分人将发表获奖感言,电视观众们通常对这些演讲还挺期待的。

    After actors and actresses win Oscars , television viewers typically look forward to their acceptance speeches , and this year they will be delivered by some of the more than 200 nominees who will attend the 88th Academy Awards ceremony at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood , California , Sunday .