
fēi hánɡ jiā
  • Aviator;flyer;airman;aeroplanist
  1. 像许多DIY飞行家一样,田宇最初也是制造模型飞机。

    Tian , like many other DIY aviators , started out manufacturing model airplanes .

  2. 他在巴黎第二天,我们和著名的老飞行家Blériot先生吃午餐。

    His second day in Paris we lunched with that famous old aviator , Monsieur Bl é riot .

  3. BBC新闻–俄罗斯热气球飞行家,65岁的费奥多.考纽科夫创造了不着陆环球飞行新纪录,他的后勤人员说。

    BBC News - Fyodor Konyukhov , 65 , A Russian balloonist has set a new record for flying non-stop around the world , his support crew have said .

  4. 1785年1月7日,法国气球飞行家Jean-PierreBlanchard和美国医生JohnJeffries从多佛堡乘氢气球出发。

    French balloonist Jean-Pierre Blanchard and American doctor John Jeffries took off from Dover Castle in a hydrogen balloon on January 7th , 1785 .

  5. 那时我是澳洲飞行家史密斯的经理人;

    I was manager at the time for Sir Ross Smith .

  6. 他是一个勇敢的飞行家。

    He is a daring aviator .

  7. 希特勒把这位女飞行家叫到一旁。

    Hitler took the aviatrix aside .

  8. 他是一位勇敢的飞行家;

    He is a dauntless aviator .

  9. 如今这位飞行家已经创造并保持了三项环球航行的世界记录,另外两项分别是驾驶热气球和帆船环球旅行。

    The aviator now holds three record-breaking circumnavigations of the globe , the two others by balloon and sailboat .

  10. 设计师知道自己的作品何时达到完美:不是当没有更多的部分可以增加时,而是当没有更多的部分可以删减时。-安托瓦尼·德·圣艾修伯里(法国飞行家)

    A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add , but when there is nothing left to take away . - Antoine de Saint-Exupry .

  11. 这将是斯科塞斯和迪卡普里奥在16年来的第六次合作,此前他们合作过《纽约黑帮》、《飞行家》、《无间道风云》、《禁闭岛》和《华尔街之狼》这些电影。

    This will mark Scorsese and DiCaprio 's sixth collaboration in 16 years following Gangs of New York , The Aviator , The Departed , Shutter Island and The Wolf of Wall Street .

  12. XCOR是开发亚轨道飞行器、用于商业太空飞行的几家公司之一。

    XCOR is one of several companies developing suborbital vehicles for commercial space tourist flights .