
  • 网络hidan
  1. 弹道模型由炮弹无控自由飞段、惯性制导滑翔段和末制导段按比例导引制导率建立。

    The trajectory model consists of the uncontrolled free flight segment , the inertial guided glided segment and the final guidance segment , which accords with the proportional guided law .

  2. 论文选取高超声速飞航导弹为被控对象,以多弹编队为目标,进行了导弹群平飞段的弹道和编队飞行的运动学建模。

    The hypersonic cruise missiles are selected as the control object to achieve multi-missile formation flight , the dynamic models of the ballistic trajectory and the formation flight during level flight are bulit .

  3. 对于长时和远程飞行的飞航导弹,地球自转对弹道的影响在精确建模过程中是不容忽视的。然后,建立了平飞段的导弹编队动力学模型。

    The earth rotation effect cannot be neglected in the accurately modeling process of the cruise missiles with long time and distance flight . Then , the dynamic model of the formation flight was built .

  4. 飞段以诅咒之术杀死了阿斯玛,但因为为封印二尾而使其他人安然离去,鹿丸也掌握了飞段诅咒术的秘密。

    To fly above the art cursed Asmawi killed , but for the seal because of two other people to leave Enron , deer fly pill paragraph also mastered the curse of the secret operation .