
  • 网络paragliding;Paraglider
  1. 如今,在世界各地,飞行伞爱好者已达数十万。

    Now days there are tens of thousands paragliding fans all over the world .

  2. 典型的飞行伞攻角范围由3度到12度之间。

    Angle of attack typically ranges from 3o to 12o for a paraglider .

  3. 这种情形会发生于飞行伞的翼负载相当于攻角时。

    This occurs at one angle of attack for the same wing loading of a paraglider .

  4. 已经立刻放松右手煞车,飞行伞仍继续旋转。

    Having let up immediately on the right hand brake , the canopy continues to spin .

  5. 当我们遇到暂时性上升空气时,飞行伞会随著攻角增加而上升。

    When confronted momentarily with an ascending air current , the paraglider climbs since the angle of attack has increased .

  6. 当飞行伞经过半圈回转,它的空速慢下来而攻角加大;同时飞行员开始向下摆荡。

    As the glider turns through half a rotation , its airspeed is slowed down and the angle of attack increased as the pilot starts to pendulum underneath .

  7. 双人飞行使用双人伞承载两个套带一起飞行。

    Tandem-a bi-place wing for a pilot and a passenger .

  8. 在飞行时,当伞翼变的极度容易折湾及崩溃时,攻角只能被调整至一个非常小的角度。

    In flight , the angle of attack can only be adjusted to a small degree , as the wing is highly pliable and subject to collapse .

  9. 飞行靴、头盔、手套是飞行飞行伞部分装备。

    Boots , helmet and gloves are part of the flying equipment .