
  • 【航空】troop parachute
  1. 伞兵伞在开伞、着陆过程中均会发生过载现象,过载是评价伞兵伞性能的重要参数之一。

    Parachute-opening shock , which always occurs in parachute opening and landing process is one of the most important parameter to estimate the performance of parachute .

  2. 本文针对伞兵伞在开伞、着陆过程中发生的过载现象,设计了一套便携式智能过载测试系统,以及基于实测数据的过程仿真软件。

    In allusion to this phenomenon , the article discusses the design of portable and intelligent parachute-opening shock measure system and the course simulation software based on the measured data .

  3. 该系统已经成功的用于实际操作,为评价伞兵伞性能提供了重要的参考,对伞兵伞的选材及制造工艺有一定的指导作用。

    Large diameter of umbrella ; The measure system which provide important reference in parachute appraising , producing and instruction to parachute 's material selecting , has been actually used well .