
tǔ dì zhènɡ shū
  • land certificate;land warrant
  1. 采取产权阶梯的国家有纳米比亚、乌干达、坦桑尼亚和赞比亚,Augustinus说,埃塞俄比亚已以每份1美元的价格,为产权阶梯较低层的产权发放了2000万份土地证书。

    Namibia , Uganda , Tanzania and Zambia are among the countries adopting property ladders . Ms. Augustinus says Ethiopia has already provided twenty million land certificates on the lower end of the property ladder for about one dollar each .

  2. 七是建立土地证书年审制度;

    Seventh , we must establish the land certification annual inspection system ;

  3. “月球大使馆”公司将发给购买者一张月球土地所有权证书,土地所有权包括土地使用权和地下3公里深的矿物资源。

    Lunar Embassy will issue customers a " certificate " that ensures property ownership including rights to use the land and minerals up to3 kilometres underground .

  4. 房地产抵押,应当凭土地使用权证书、房屋所有权证书办理。

    The mortgage of real estate shall be made upon the presentation of the land use certificate and housing property title certificate .

  5. 但现实情况是,入园企业在入园时因为资金原因或者办证周期的原因,尚未取得土地使用权证书。

    But the fact is that the SMEs has not yet gotten the certificate of the land right for reasons of money or time .

  6. 土地登记内容和土地权属证书式样由国务院土地行政主管部门统一规定。

    Contents of land registration and format of land ownership certificate shall be uniformly prescribed by the competent department of land administration under the State Council .

  7. 已交付全部土地使用权出让金,取得土地使用权证书;

    Having paid all the fees for the granting of the land-use right and obtained the certificate of the land-use right ;

  8. 被征用土地的所有权人、使用权人应当在公告规定期限内,持土地权属证书到当地人民政府土地行政主管部门办理征地补偿登记。

    Owners or users of the land requisitioned should , within the time limit specified in the announcement , go through the compensation registration for requisitioned land with the land administrative departments of the local people 's governments on the strength of the land certificate .