
  • 网络land demand
  1. 从房地产市场看土地需求及对土地政策的建议

    Land Demand in Real Estate Market and Relative Land Policy Suggestion

  2. 住房需求和住房供给共同决定住房价格;土地需求和土地供给共同决定土地价格。

    Housing demand and housing supply determine housing prices . Land demand and land supply determine land prices .

  3. 焦作市土地需求量预测的相关因素分析

    Analyse on the Related Factors that Affects the Land Requirement Capacity Forecast

  4. 满足现代化土地需求节约集约用地的潜力何在?

    Meet the needs of modern land conservation intensive land use potential ?

  5. 翼城县2000年土地需求量预测研究

    Research on forecasting demand for land in Yicheng County in tne year 2000

  6. 控制人口增长,调节土地需求。

    And regulate land requirement by controlling population increase .

  7. 经济高速发展的同时,土地需求与有限的土地资源产生了矛盾。

    There exists a contradiction between high economic development and limited land resources .

  8. 进入现代社会,人类对于土地需求也迅速增加。

    Into the modern society , the human demand for land is increasing rapidly .

  9. 人口增长和对土地需求的增加扩大了群落,促进了食物的迁移。

    Increased population and need for additional land expanded communities and contribute to food migrations .

  10. 海南省2000年土地需求结构预测及土地宏观开发战略研究

    A research on prediction of land utilization structure and land exploitation strategy of Hainan Province in 2000

  11. 城市土地需求分析

    Urban Land Demand Analysis

  12. 二是研究非农的二、三产业土地需求及增量指标配置问题。

    The second is the land need of the non-agricultural second and tertiary industries and incremental index configuration .

  13. 土地需求量预测是进行土地利用总体规划的前期工作。

    The evaluation of land and forecast of land needs are the works of the overall plan of land use .

  14. 这些问题和土地需求量与可获得性、政策、知识、标准、意识、参与和投资有关。

    These relate to land requirements and availability , policies , knowledge , standards , awareness , participation and investment .

  15. 无限的土地需求与有限的土地面积之间的不可协调性,已经制约了世界各国的社会经济发展。

    The coordination between unlimited demand and limited land area , has constrained social and economic development around the world .

  16. 在经济快速发展时期下影响土地需求的因素复杂多样,这些因素很难定量描述和无法预计。

    It is difficult to predict and describe these multiplicity factors , which can influence land supply and demand during the high-speed economic development .

  17. 近年来,随着城市化进程加快和经济的发展,城市人口不断增加,城市土地需求呈快速上涨趋势。

    In recent years , as the urbanization speeding up in China , populations continue to expand which cause demand for land increasing rapidly .

  18. 本文介绍城市土地需求预测的分析技术。

    This paper illustrates simple techniques that can be used to forecast land demand for residential , industrial and commercial , and open space .

  19. 由于对土地需求量不断增加,导致越来越多农村集体土地被征用,越来越多农民的住房被拆迁。

    Owing to the increasing demand for land , resulting in more rural collective land requisition , more and more farmers ' houses be demolished .

  20. 目前强烈的土地需求将对土地利用的强度、方式、规模、布局等造成深远影响。

    At present , the sharp demand on land will bring far-reaching influence on the intensity , manner , size and distribution of land use .

  21. 分析还表明,粮食和饲料的土地需求限制着经济作物的增长,粮食和饲料的供应也制约着禽畜的发展。

    The analysis also shows that grain is competing with cash crop for land , and is an important limiting factors of pig and poultry prodution .

  22. 随着城市化的发展,土地需求将更多,所以研究土地可持续利用具有重大的意义。

    With the development of urbanization , there will have more demand for land , therefore the study of sustainable land use will have a great significance .

  23. 本文在界定相关概念及理论分析的基础上,给出了土地需求预测的方法,并建立了基于用地需求预测的多目标规划的土地利用结构优化模型。

    In the paper , the land demand forecast is given , and the multi-objective land use structure optimization model which is based on land demand forecast is built .

  24. 房产旺盛的需求刺激了土地需求,引起地价上涨,地价上涨又提高了房产成本,促使房价上涨。

    Premises strong demand stimulated the demand for land , so , land prices rise . Land prices raise increased real estate costs , so , housing prices rise .

  25. 随着近些年来经济发展,城市建设对土地需求的不断增加,导致耕地面积不断减少,粮食安全问题日益突出。

    With economic development in recent years , urban construction land have increasing demand , cultivated land area has been in decrease , while the food security problem is increasingly .

  26. 通过生态足迹计算可以看出,影响城步县生态盈余消失的主要原因是:①生态生产性土地需求类型过于集中。

    Seen from the result , the main reasons that caused the ES disappearance were : ( 1 ) the demand type of the ecological productive area was too concentration .

  27. 亚洲和拉丁美洲对生物燃料生产的关注增加,已经驱动了一场“热带农业革命”,粮食作物与燃料作物对土地需求的竞争非常激烈。

    An increased focus on biofuel production across Asia and Latin America has spurred a " tropical agricultural revolution ", with intense competition for land to grow food and fuel crops .

  28. 上世纪末,中国经济持续高涨,城市化跨越式的发展,衍生了巨大的土地需求。

    In the end of the last century , the economy achieved a sustained overall upsurge and the urbanization realized great-leap-forward development in China . It created huge demand for land .

  29. 随着城市发展对土地需求的快速增长,大量农民被征地后转变户籍身份,成为非农业户口居民。

    With urban development and the rapid growth of demand for land , a large number of landless peasant had been transferred their peasant - household status into residents of non-agricultural household .

  30. 城市土地需求预测的一般逻辑是:(1)首先根据城市功能预测住宅、工业和商业、公共空间所需的城市建筑空间需求;

    The general logic to forecast land demand is ( 1 ) first forecast need structure space for residential , industrial and commercial , and open space is driven by different market forces ;