
  • 网络TUUL;Tura;Cotulla
  1. 茭白微波干燥特性及数学模型的研究眼淋巴腺型土拉菌病

    Studies on the Microwave Drying Characteristics and Mathematical Model of Water-oat

  2. 亚伯拉罕又娶了一妻,名叫基土拉。

    Abraham took another wife , whose name was Keturah .

  3. 室温条件下,土拉杆菌细胞增殖了。

    At about room temperature , the cells propagated .

  4. 这都是基土拉的子孙。

    All these are the sons of Keturah .

  5. 实际上,各个地区水泥土的拉、压强度比有着很大差别,不同土质的水泥土拉、压强度比也相差很大。

    In fact , to different soils , the tension-compression strength ratio varies greatly .

  6. 细胞膜微结构域中胆固醇对小鼠巨噬细胞摄取土拉弗朗西斯菌的作用

    Role of cholesterol of membrane microdomain in the uptake of Francisella tularensis by mouse macrophages

  7. 不列颠哥伦比亚省维多利亚大学(及美国国立卫生研究院胞内寄生虫实验室)的研究人员从生活在严寒北极地区的细菌中提取出热敏基因,将其中就中嗜冷基因注入细菌性病原体土拉杆菌内。

    Researchers from the University of Victoria in British Columbia [ and the NIH Laboratory of Intracellular Parasites ] isolated temperature-sensitive genes from some bacteria that thrive in the frigid Arctic . They inserted nine of these cold-loving genes into a bacterial pathogen called Francisella tularensis .