
  1. 论中国化马克思主义经济学的建设性质

    On the Constructive Nature of Chinese Marxist Economics

  2. 按建设性质分不含房地产开发投资。

    Figures grouped by type of construction did not include the investment in real estate development .

  3. 在分析的基础上,本文还考虑了地方筑路材料选型影响因素,一是包括公路等级、建设性质、地理特征、料场分布、结构物类型等的影响;

    All of the road standards , construction features , geographic characteristics , material distribution and structure categories will produce some impacts ;

  4. 对近年来确定的国家重点技术改造项目进行了清理,取消了一批属于重复建设性质的项目。

    The important technical renovation programs of the State determined in recent years have been straightened out and some redundant construction programs have been canceled .

  5. 高等院校课程建设的性质及其文化品格之应然

    The Characters of University Courses Construction and the True Features of the Cultural Quality and Style that It should Have

  6. 其结果是一个是远远优于传统球碳石墨阀座建设物理性质的席位。

    The result is a seat with physical properties that are far superior to conventional ball valve seats of carbon graphite construction .

  7. 在明确此项道德建设的性质与地位之基础上本文亦指出了整个建设过程中存在的诸种问题。

    The paper also points out the various problems in the process of this moral construction on the basis of cleaning its nature and status .

  8. 首先指出梁漱溟的乡村建设的性质,无论从理论内容看还是从实践成果看,都是典型的改良主义。

    First , points out that the nature of the village construction , whether concludes from the theoretical contents or from the practice results , is typical of reformism .

  9. 在空间作战实验室需求和概念研究的基础上,就空间作战实验室建设的性质、任务、建设内容、建设方法和步骤等进行了初步研究;

    In the paper , on the basis of the requirement of SOL and the study of the concepts , the authors primarily researched the characters , the tasks , the construct contents , the study methods , the process and so on .

  10. 公共图书馆用地与建设标准的性质、作用和特点

    " Land-Using " and " Construction " Standards for Public Library : Natures , Roles and Characteristics

  11. 我国当前社会力量参与图书馆建设活动按性质可分为三类:对政府办图书馆事业的捐赠和支持活动;

    According to the nature of activities social powers participating in current Chinese librarianship can be divided into three categories : voluntary support for public libraries ;

  12. 论文从福建乡村建设运动的性质、内容评估、特点及历史意义等方面阐述福建乡村建设运动的历史定位,并对现实的三农问题提出若干思考。

    The thesis tries to elaborate the historical position of the Fujian Rural Construction Movement from different angles such as evaluation of its content , its features and historical significance , etc. The thesis also proposes some thoughts on the practical " problems of agriculture , village and peasants " .

  13. 企业品牌建设是企业独特性质的表现。

    Most researches of brand-building are focus on already established companies .

  14. 应徵申请人应有与本项目的建设规模或功能性质相类似的城市规划和城市设计经验;

    The Applicant shall be experienced in the urban planning and design of projects of a similar scale or function ;

  15. 法律以社会为基础,法治建设深受特定社会性质的制约,有什么样的社会就有什么样的法治建设。

    Law roots itself in society . The construction of rule of law is conditioned by the character of society .

  16. 城市总体规划具有城市建设发展纲领的性质,而环境规划则更侧重于污染防治和生态保护与建设;

    Urban overall program is municipal construction 's creed . Environmental program emphasize particularly on contamination control and ecology protection and construction .

  17. 马克思主义决定了我国文化建设的社会主义的性质和发展方向,是中国特色社会主义文化建设的灵魂和指导思想。

    Marxism , which decides socialist character and development direction of our cultural civilization , is the soul and guiding ideology of the socialist cultural civilization with Chinese characteristics .

  18. 征收安置房的类型繁多,最常见的分类是根据建设用地的性质的不同,分为集体土地上的征收安置房和国有土地上的征收安置房两类。

    It has a variety of types , and the general type is classified basically on the land style , which is divided into collective land levying settlement dwelling and state-owned land levying ones .

  19. 经过20年的高速发展,深圳已经从乡村地域转变成高度城市化地域,非城市建设用地的性质与功能随之发生重大变化。

    With the high_speed development in the past 20 years , Shenzhen has already changed from a rural region into a high urbanization region . Meanwhile , a great change has already taken place in nature and function of non_urban construction land .

  20. 文化品格是高校课程建设的价值基础,其应然的理论依据在于高校课程建设性质的界定。

    The cultural quality and style is the value base of the construction of university courses and its original theoretical foundation lies in the definition of its characters .