
  1. 研究建筑符号学对地域性建筑设计的意义

    The meaning of studying architectural semeiology on the regional architectural design

  2. 文中还引入了建筑符号学的概念。

    This article also introduced the concept of architectural semiology .

  3. 浅谈建筑符号学在旧建筑改造中的应用方法

    Discusses the construction semiotics shallowly in the old construction transformation application method

  4. 以建筑符号学来看台湾本土的建筑风格

    On architectural style of Taiwan local based on architectural semiotic

  5. 建筑符号与认识主体的关系;

    The relationship between the architectural symbology and the subject of the knowledge .

  6. 建筑符号学理论下的商业步行街设计

    The Design of Commercial Pedestrian Street under the Guidance of Architectural Semeiology Theory

  7. 建筑符号学引论&关于建筑的符号性问题的讨论

    An Introduction to Architectural Symbology & A Discussion on the Problem of Architectural Symbolization

  8. 从建筑符号看信息与传达

    Look at Information and Communication from Architectural Symbols

  9. 建筑符号的信息转移和认识方法。

    The turning of information of architectural symbology and the method of its recognition .

  10. 第五章阐述建筑符号学在山东批判性地域主义建筑创作中的应用。

    The fifth chapter marks in the architecture of critical regionalism in Shandong Architectural Application .

  11. 思维科学的新发展与建筑符号学的近期前景

    New Progresses of the Consciousness Related Sciences and the Foreseeable Perspective of the Architectural Semantics

  12. 华夏建筑符号与建筑创作借鉴

    Chinese Architecture Symbols and their Creative Reference

  13. 建筑符号的传达功能和语意转换;

    The transmitting function of architectural symbols and the turning of the meaning of the language .

  14. 继而通过阐述建筑符号学的相关理论,为问题的讨论提供理论支持。

    Furthermore , the paper would elaborate some semiotics-related theories , thus providing theoretical support for the argument .

  15. 中国·韩国传统亭子的美学理念&以典型亭子的建筑符号为中心

    A Study on the Aesthetic Ideology of the Traditional Pavilions in China and Korea-The ArchiteCtural Signs of Typical Pavilions

  16. 土砖建筑物由风干土坯烧制的砖建成的建筑物以建筑符号学来看台湾本土的建筑风格

    A structure built with this type of brick . On architectural style of Taiwan local based on architectural semiotic

  17. 其中直接分类有:场地环境符号、公共建筑符号、园林建筑符号、植物符号。

    Which directly Category : venues environment symbols , symbols of public buildings , landscape architecture symbols , plants symbols .

  18. 建筑符号学将商业步行街看作一个系统,以人类文化为背景,科学的对其进行研究。

    With the background of human civilization , architectural semeiology regards the commercial pedestrian street as a system for a scientific research .

  19. 主要结合适宜技术和建筑符号学两门学科来论述它们在批判性地域主义建筑创作中的应用。

    Combination of appropriate technology and building the main symbols of two subjects to describe their learning of critical regionalism in architecture creation application .

  20. 然后从建筑符号学的角度对这种结合的现象进行了研究与分析,得出了二者结合的理论依据。

    Then from the angle of architecture semeiology , the thesis researched into and analyzed the existence of combination , and deduced the base of theory for their combination .

  21. 摘要有选择地引用经典建筑符号与手法,可以表情达意,可以使建筑作品有文脉可寻,不失为一种有益尝试。

    By imitating some typical symbols and details with certain choices , the design can be expressed in a contextual way , which is worth having an attempt in design .

  22. 但统计调查显示发现,很多国家和地区的外国人,特别是亚洲以外的许多人对中国文化的印象仍保留在中国古代的文化特征和建筑符号等认知上。

    There is a survey found that a lot of foreigners in many countries and regions is still retained in the knowledge of ancient Chinese cultural identity and architectural symbols .

  23. 研究建筑符号学有助于正确理解建筑符暑与语言符号的关系,明确设计方法研究的目的、从而提高我们的建筑创作能力。

    Researching on the architecture semeiology can help us to understand the connection between architecture symbol to lansign and nail down the plan purpose of design . consequently advancing our architecture invention .

  24. 其次,讨论数字时代下符号学的新发展,特别是建筑符号学和艺术符号学在环境艺术设计中的运用。

    Second , the discussion of the digital age under the semiotics of the new development , especially in the construction semiotics and art environment in Semiotics of Art and Design in use .

  25. 介绍了解构主义与景观艺术,从解构主义哲学、设计的解构思维等方面进行了论述,提出了景观设计中解构的方法,指出了解构主义在景观设计领域的研究,必须经过建筑符号学这个环节。

    Based upon the introduction of deconstruction and landscape from deconstruction philosophy , thought and other aspects , the approach of applying deconstruction to landscape design is proposed , in which semeiology is necessary .

  26. 以北京四合院为例深入浅出地介绍了有关建筑符号学的内容,并从建筑句法学、语义学、语用学三个方面,批判性地揭示了其在建筑实践中所暴露的局限性。

    Taking Beijing quadrangle as example the content of architectural semeiology is introduced by a simple way ; meanwhile , from three aspects : architectural syntax , semantics and pragmatics the limitations exposed in practice are disclosed .

  27. 第四章从建筑符号学的角度出发,介绍了建筑语言的本质特性,分析了中国传统建筑语言体系的建构和主要特征;

    Chapter Four , proceeding from the viewpoint of the architectural semiology , introduces the essential characteristics of the traditional architectural language and analyses the construction and the main characteristics of the language system of Chinese traditional buildings .

  28. 作者以建筑符号学为切入点,对南岳宗教建筑的物化形态特点进行了分析,其中包括选址、总平面形制、空间形态构成、结构特征、构造特征、细部装饰、空间等多方面;

    Based on architectural semiology , the thesis analyzes architectural characteristics of the religious constructions in Nanyue , which include site choice , general layout , spatial pattern , framework , structure , decoration , space and so on .

  29. 研究的目的就是力图从符号理论的角度探讨建筑符号与建筑艺术表现形式的关系,并希望能构筑起一个对建筑艺术研究有益的理论框架。

    With the instruction of theory of aesthetics and art , research about architectural art is conducted from the viewpoint of semiotics and then the thesis points out that architectural art is a kind of creation of emotional semiotic form .

  30. 本文借用符号学原理,在分析传统徽派建筑符号的基础上,探讨徽派建筑符号在室内设计中应用的原则、方式和设计方法,并结合案例加以研究。

    This article is trying to analyze the discussion on the principles , ideas and creating ways of the application of Anhwei Architecture symbols in interior design , with the basis on the research of traditional Anhwei Architecture symbols using the theory of Semiology .