
  1. 14至于神人摩西,他子孙的名字列在利未支派中。

    And as for Moses the man of God , his sons were named among the tribe of Levi .

  2. 至于神人摩西,他的子孙记在利未支派的册上。

    [ KJV ] Now concerning Moses the man of God , his sons were named of the tribe of Levi .

  3. 只是利未支派,摩西没有把产业分给他们。耶和华以色列的神是他们的产业,正如耶和华所应许他们的。

    But to the tribe of Levi Moses gave no heritage : the lord , the God of israel , is their heritage , as he said to them .

  4. 元至正神飞铜铳代上23:14至于神人摩西、他的子孙、名字记在利未支派的册上。

    Bronze Gun with the Inscription " Shen Fei " of the Zhizheng Reign , Yuan Dynasty But as for Moses the man of God , his sons were named among the tribe of Levi .

  5. 只是利未支派,摩西(原文作他)没有把产业分给他们。他们的产业乃是献与耶和华以色列神的火祭,正如耶和华所应许他们的。

    But to the tribe of Levi he gave no inheritance , since the offerings made by fire to the LORD , the God of Israel , are their inheritance , as he promised them .

  6. 那时耶和华将利未支派分别出来、抬耶和华的约柜、又侍立在耶和华面前事奉他、奉他的名祝福、直到今日。

    At that time the LORD had the tribe of Levi marked out to take up the ark of the lord 's agreement , to be before the Lord and to do his work and to give blessings in his name , to this day .

  7. 祭司利未人和利未全支派必在以色列中无分无业。

    The priests , who are Levites indeed the whole tribe of Levi are to have no allotment or inheritance with Israel .

  8. 祭司利未人和利未全支派必在以色列中无分无业。他们所吃用的就是献给耶和华的火祭和一切所捐的。

    The priests , the levites , that is , all the tribe of levi , will have no part or heritage with israel : their food and their heritage will be the offerings of the LORD made by fire .

  9. 单是看它的书名「利未记」,就知道它的内容与作祭司的利未支派有关。

    The name'Leviticus'means the things which had to do with the Levites , the priestly tribe .