
  • 网络Lever House;Lever Building
  1. 在纽约,天际线一直由催生了战后经济繁荣期的企业主导:利华大厦(LeverHouse)、西格拉姆大厦(SeagramBuilding)、泛美大楼(PanAmBuilding)以及美国电话电报公司大厦(AT&TTower)。

    In New York the skyline had been dominated by the corporations which fed the economic boom time of the postwar years : Lever House , the Seagram Building , the Pan Am Building , the AT & T Tower .

  2. 主要通过这些壮观的写字楼,像是在曼哈顿的利华大厦,

    largely through some really spectacular office buildings like Lever House in midtown Manhattan ,