
  1. 对独立式老年人公寓的居住空间设计做了深化和引导。

    The design of old apartment for independent living space has been deepen and guided .

  2. 本文着重论述在高层老年人公寓这一特殊形制的建筑中,室内公共交通空间的人性化设计。

    This paper focuses on top in the old apartment , a special shape of the architecture , interior public transportation design of space .

  3. 独立式老年人公寓模式作为个人养老和社会服务的结合体目前在我国推广较少,基本属于新事物。

    Independent individual endowment elderly apartment mode as a combination of social service and personal pension is nearly seen in our country at present , it is new .

  4. 因此高层老年人公寓必将是今后产生的一种建筑形式,是顺应时代发展的一种产物,有其存在的必然性,以及特殊性。

    So the old apartment in the future will certainly to be top of the produce an architectural form , is the development of The Times in the a product , the necessity of existence , and particularity .

  5. 本研究从老年人的服务作为出发点,探索老年人不同的服务意愿对老年公寓的需求的影响并构建老年人公寓需求的模型。

    In this study , elderly services as a starting point to explore the old one has a different willingness to serve the needs of older apartment and build the model of the demand for elderly apartment .