
  • 网络Mysterious Pyramid;Mystic Pyramid
  1. 想进入神秘的金字塔国度吗?

    To enter the mysterious pyramid country ?

  2. 阿兹特克人和玛雅人用涂以鲜亮色彩的浮雕、大幅壁画或神秘动物装饰他们的金字塔和庙宇。

    The Aztec and Mayans decorated the pyramids and temples with brightly painted sculptural reliefs and large frescoes or mythical animals .

  3. 一片神秘的庙宇和玛雅金字塔群坐落在墨西哥和危地马拉丛林深处,并一直延伸到尤卡坦半岛。

    Deep within the jungles of Mexico and Guatemala and extending into the Yucatan peninsula lie the mysterious temples and Mayan pyramids .

  4. 藉由尖酸的幽默考古学家阿曼达犹太人试着发现它的环境所有的人神秘地年轻的远古金字塔的秘密。

    With mordant humour the archaeologist Amanda Goldberg tries to discover the secret of an ancient pyramid where all the persons in its surroundings rejuvenate mysteriously .