
  1. 老啤酒、油炸肥肉、泥以及茂盛的草丛也都在那里。

    Old beer , frying fat , mud , and lush grass are all in there , too .

  2. 酒吧老?贩卖啤酒是违法的,除非他们同时煮一壶汤。啤酒杯里有些啤酒。

    It is illegal for bar owners to sell beer unless they are simultaneously brewing a kettle of soup .

  3. 当辣椒已经成熟到他满意的程度,他再加上一些醋,然后再倒几滴到一个老品种的克隆啤酒瓶里,拿些样品给他的朋友。

    When it had ripened to his liking , he added vinegar , decanted the brew into an assortment of old cologne bottles , and gave samples to friends .