
  • 网络King's Road;King’s Road;El Camino Real;Rajpath
  1. 他的名字叫保罗·特雷尔,1975年他开了一家电脑商店ByteShop,就在门洛帕克的国王大道上。

    His name was Paul Terrell , and in 1975 he had opened a computer store , which he dubbed the Byte Shop , on Camino Real in Menlo Park .

  2. 贯穿其中的是该地区的商业主干道国王大道”(ElCaminoReal),这条道路曾经连接着加州的21所教会,而现在,这条繁忙的道路所连接的企业和新兴公司每年吸引着全美1/3的风险投资。

    has as its commercial backbone El Camino Real , the royal road that once connected California 's twenty-one mission churches and is now a bustling avenue that connects companies and startups accounting for a third of the venture capital investment in the United States each year .

  3. 阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹国王大道,麦加(沙特阿拉伯)

    King Abdul Aziz Road , Makkah ( Saudi Arabia )

  4. 十点半,到了国王大道。

    They reached King 's Cross at half past ten .

  5. 即便是在国王大道,小心谨慎也绝对有益无害。

    Even on the kingsroad , it never hurt to be wary .

  6. 我想国王大道上发生的事都已经过去了--

    I thought we might put what happened on the Kingsroad behind us

  7. 国王大道很危险,您一个女人家不方便。

    The Kingsroad can be a dangerous place for a woman alone .

  8. 我很遗憾地获知你们在国王大道上遇到的麻烦事.

    I was grievously sorry to hear of your troubles on the Kingsroad .

  9. 去哪了?他们带他朝国王大道北上了

    Where ? They took him up the Kings road , heading north .

  10. 国王大道是右侧的第一条路。

    King 's Avenue is the first right .

  11. 史塔克大人,我听说了您在国王大道上遇到的麻烦事儿,真令人遗憾哪。

    Lord Stark , I was grievous sad to hear about your troubles on the kingsroad .

  12. 你我两个匹马仗剑,沿国王大道闯下去,你觉得怎样?

    What do you say , just you and me on the Kingsroad , swords at our sides .

  13. 我们地处极北,国王大道这里的路段恐怕好生危险。他们边喝酒,总司令官边说。

    The kingsroad can be perilous this far north , the Lord Commander told him as they drank .

  14. 乔布斯和沃兹不停地奔走于国王大道,希望电子商店能够出售自己的电脑。

    Jobs and Woz would drive up and down Camino Real trying to get the electronics stores to sell it .

  15. 然而好景不长,离开临冬城三日之后,农田退去,只见茂密深林,国王大道也越来越人迹罕至。

    Three days ride from Winterfell , however , the farmland gave way to dense wood , and the kingsroad grew lonely .

  16. 琼恩看着叔叔牵马走进隧道,向北而去,不禁想起提利昂·兰尼斯特在国王大道上告诉过他的事,

    As he watched his uncle lead his horse into the tunnel , Jon had remembered the things that Tyrion Lannister told him on the kingsroad ,

  17. 它是位于伦敦国王大道的一个商店,为理家提供锦囊妙计。

    Walter is the owner of the Holding Company , a shop on London 's Kings Road which sells hundreds of storage ideas for the home .

  18. 他们的打架技巧是从甲板上、旧镇和兰尼斯港的暗巷里,或从国王大道路边的妓院、酒馆中学来的。

    What they know of fighting they learned between decks , in the alleys of Oldtown and Lannisport , in wayside brothels and taverns on the kingsroad .

  19. 高耸的东海望在强风吹拂的灰暗海滨,影子塔坚毅地伫立于长城边陲的群山之中,黑城堡则位于两者之间,地处国王大道尽头。

    Eastwatch on its grey windswept shore , the Shadow Tower hard by the mountains where the Wall ended , and Castle Black between them , at the end of the kingsroad .

  20. 八月三十一日,哈利觉得最好还是将第二天要去国王大道车站一事告知姨妈、姨丈,便来到客厅里。此时,姨妈一家人正在看电视上的问答游戏。

    On the last day of August he thought he 'd better speak to his aunt and uncle about getting to King 's Cross station the next day , so he went down to the living room where they were watching a quiz show on television .