
shì jiè jīnɡ jì duō jí huà
  • multi-polarization of world economy
  1. 世界经济多极化;

    World economy multipolarization ;

  2. 在世界政治经济多极化发展的环境中,各种价值观念不同程度地影响着大学生的思想和行为。

    In the world political and economic development of multi-level environment , a variety of values affect the thinking and behavior of college students to some extent .

  3. 在布雷顿森林体系瓦解后,伴随世界政治经济多极化趋势,当今的国际货币体系呈现出发展的新态势。

    In this paper , taking the development process of the international monetary system after World War II for clues , trying to analyze trend of the multi-polar international monetary system .

  4. 随着世界经济全球化与政治多极化这两大浪潮的迅猛发展,时代两大主题中和平与发展的内涵与外延也无疑呈现出一些新变化、新发展。

    With the rapid improvement of globalization and political multipolarization nowadays , the connotation and extension of peace and development which are the two major themes of the times have some new features .

  5. 世界银行首席经济师林毅夫说,世界经济前景是多极化,他说,国际金融机构必须迅速适应这一情况,跟上全球经济的变化。

    World Bank chief economist Justin Yifu Lin has called the economic outlook multipolar and says international financial institutions must adapt quickly to keep up with changes in the global economy .