
  • Bath Center;Bath centre;spa
  1. 洗浴中心节能系统模式

    The systemic mode study on energy conservation system of bath center

  2. 洗浴中心伴随着经济的发展如雨后竹笋般发展起来。

    The bath center follows the economical development like the bamboo after rain .

  3. 该商业楼非常适合做酒店、洗浴中心、KTV歌厅等项目。

    This business building is good to be restaurant , bathing center and KTV , etc.

  4. 甚至有的住宅外观同洗浴中心相差无几。

    Even some residential appearance is almost the same with the bath .

  5. 这个洗浴中心下周开始使用。

    The washing center will come into service next week .

  6. 位于酒店地下一层的洗浴中心,美容美发中心。

    Sauna center on the basement floor , beauty center .

  7. 某洗浴中心供暖空调系统技术经济分析

    Technology and Economical Analysis of a Bath Palace for Heating and Air-condition System

  8. 洗浴中心热水系统设计的优化

    Optimum design of hot-water system in bath center

  9. 沈阳市宾馆、洗浴中心女性服务员预防艾滋病/性传播疾病知、信、行调查

    KAP towards AIDS / STD among Stewardesses of Hotels and Bath Centers in Shenyang , Liaoning Province

  10. 为了让客人享受到他们应有的权利,我们的健身场所、洗浴中心的门槛较高。

    Meanwhile , we have also raised the bar for our spa and fitness center so that our guests can fully enjoy their privileges .

  11. 在此基础上,论文给出了逸水间洗浴中心会员卡管理系统的设计,包括功能设计和数据库设计。

    On this basis , the paper gives the design of the YISHUI bath membership card management system , including functional design and database design .

  12. 酒店二层建筑面积3400平方米,布置多功能会议室和桑拿洗浴中心,完善酒店的配套服务设施。

    The2nd floor of the hotel has a construction area of3400 m2 , with multi-functional meeting rooms and sauna bath center as well as auxiliary service facilities .

  13. 暗娼人数估计为546人,以发廊的暗娼最多,洗浴中心的暗娼最少,分别占69.6%、1.8%。

    The number of FSWs was estimated 546.The proportion of FSWs working in hair-saloons was 69.6 % , and the proportion of FSWs working in bath centers was 1.8 % .

  14. 方法:对商场、宾馆、洗浴中心和居民住宅中甲醛、氨、颗粒物等室内空气污染物的采样、检测分析。

    Methods : The samples of indor air pollutants such as formaldehyde , ammonia , particulate matter collected in market , hotel , bath center and resident ′ s house were analyzed .

  15. 出于环境保护要求,目前我国许多大、中城市已明令禁止使用小吨位的燃煤锅炉,这对于大多数洗浴中心来说,是一个不小的打击。

    In order to protect environment , nowadays many large and medium-sized cities in China have forbidden the use of small coal-fired boilers , which is a blow to most of bath centers .

  16. 由于其新,因此目前国内建筑界还没有对洗浴中心这种建筑类型有一个明确的规范,更缺乏系统的研究。

    Because it " is new ", so the present domestic construction zone has not an explicit standard to this kind of building type as a bath center , more lacks the system research .

  17. 诸多洗浴休闲中心虽然灯光明亮,装修辉煌,但总会有一些不良行业。

    Those many leisure and SPA centers , brightly lit and gaily decorated , are not immune to shady business .

  18. 洗浴和水疗中心的特点是功能浴巾,蓬松溪水埃及棉毛巾浴衣。

    The Bath & Spa collection features bath towels and bathrobes made of fluffy and absorbent Egyptian terry cotton .