
  • Patrol inspection;【航空】walkaround inspection
  1. 巡检人员进行巡视检查时,要认真细致,全面具体,不留死角。

    The inspectorattendant shall carry out patrol inspection carefully and thoroughly without missing .

  2. 大坝安全巡视检查信息评价指标一般是定性的。

    Generally , the indexes of field inspection in for mation in dam safety are qualitative .

  3. 由内政大臣指派巡视检查监狱条件的一组人。

    Group of people appointed by the home secretary to visit and inspect the condition in prison .

  4. 对无人值班变电站设备进行巡视检查是变电站日常工作中的一个重要环节。

    It is important to make inspection on facilities of a power substation in its routine work .

  5. 本文归纳总结了混凝土坝和土石坝安全巡视检查的主要内容;

    The third chapter of this paper summarizes the main field inspection contents of concrete dam and embankment dam .

  6. 同时考虑大坝的各种巡视检查信息,将其细分及符号化。

    The perambulation and inspection message of dams is thought about , which also is subdivided and expressed in symbol .

  7. 然后论述了电容器的运行管理问题,包括电容器的调整、投切方法、电压监测、巡视检查等;

    The operation management of capacitor is also described , including capacitor regulation , switching ways , voltage monitoring and patrol inspection etc.

  8. 安全员负责巡视检查施工现场的安全状况,并负责对新进场人员进行安全教育及安全交底。

    Safety supervisors assume responsibilities for the inspection of the safety conditions of construction sites and the safety education of new comers .

  9. 分析了峡口拱坝运行期巡视检查的重点,制定了巡视检查的路线及主要内容,以供其他混凝土拱坝在制定巡视检查路线图时参考。

    The route map and the inspection contents for the dam operation stage are proposed , providing a reference for other concrete arch dams .

  10. 掌握规范的水质化验操作;学会如何巡视检查和巡检的内容;学会正确填写运行记录;

    They have held the standard operation of water quality testing , learnt how to complete inspection procedure , and correctly filled out the operation records and shift procedure .

  11. 三峡工程安全监测系统由资料量测及自动采集、巡视检查、资料管理及分析处理系统3部分组成。

    The safety monitoring system for Three Gorges Project is composed of three components of measuring / data acquisition system , tour inspection system and data processing / analysing system .

  12. 通过大坝巡视检查,曾多次发现大坝的重大安全问题,为消除隐患或采取挽救措施,提供了可靠依据和创造了极为宝贵的时机。

    Severe perils have ever been found many times by means of perambulation inspection , which provided reliable basis and saved the extremely valued occasions for eliminating the perils or taking retrieval .

  13. 轨道车是用于铁路建设、设备维护、事故抢修和巡视检查等工作的自轮运转特种设备,其运行状态关系到铁路运输的整体安全。

    Railcars are the special equipments for railway constructing , rail equipment maintaining , accident rush repairing , rail inspecting and so on . The operation safety of a railcar affects the whole railway transportation .

  14. 作为一个整体,它主要包括大坝安全巡视检查信息综合评价指标体系的建立、大坝安全巡视检查信息的量化和综合评价途径三个大的方面。

    As a whole , it includes establishing the index system to comprehensive evaluation of field inspection information in dam safety , quantifying the field inspection information in dam safety and studying the approach of comprehensive evaluation .

  15. 大坝安全巡视检查信息的综合评价是大坝安全从定性到定量综合集成评价的重要组成部分,大坝安全巡视检查信息综合评价在大坝安全分析智能化中有着重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    It is an important component to meta-synthetic evaluation that comprehensive evaluating field inspection information of dam safety . It is significative and practical in the dam safety analysis intelligentized that comprehensive evaluating field inspection information of dam safety .

  16. 大坝安全监测是通过仪器观测和巡视检查对大坝所作的测量及观察,其首要目的是掌握大坝实际性状,为判断大坝安全提供必要的信息。

    Dams safety monitoring is to observe and check the dams through an instrument to make of observation , its initial purpose is to control the actual state of dams , for providing the necessary information to evaluate the dams safety .

  17. 但对于死鸡,仍然采用人工定时巡视和检查。

    But for dead chickens , still using manual inspections and checks .

  18. 巡视者在检查楼房时查出了一些毛病。

    The inspector find some defect during their checking of the building .

  19. 船长巡视一圈,检查了我们的枪,确实一切都已准备好。

    The captain went round to check our places and our guns , and to see that everything was ready .

  20. 巡视船舱,例如检查船舱温度及各项安全设施,确保船舱环境舒适及安全。

    Conduct patrol to ensure a safe and comfortable cabin environment , for example checking the cabin temperature and inspecting the safety equipment .

  21. 根据帘核通过的巡视计划进行现场检查,发现现场存在异常转入现场消缺业务。

    On-site inspection is performed according to the approved inspection schedule and on-site elimination service is adopted in case of abnormal on-site circumstance .