
yā biǎn
  • flaser;battering;press flat;flatten;squish
压扁[yā biǎn]
  1. 测区内煤的镜质组反射率椭球体的变形特征属于拉长型应变和压扁型应变。

    The ellipsoidal deformation of reflectance in the studied area was characterized by extend type or flaser type strain .

  2. 3砂坪相,发育透镜状层理,压扁层理和小型斜交层理,在一些砂岩中也常见由于潮汐作用形成的双面粘土层和潮汐作用产生的周期层序。

    Sandy flat sub facies , with lenticular , flaser and small inclined beddings , often with double-layer clay and tidal cycle of sedimentary sequence form - ed by tidal action .

  3. 把饮料罐压扁了再送去回收。

    Squash your cans flat before recycling .

  4. 她捏了些泥塑,又将它们再次压扁。

    She made clay models and squashed them flat again .

  5. 她气鼓鼓地把头巾裹在头上,发髻都被压扁了。

    She angrily slung a scarf around her head , flattening her halo of hair .

  6. 纸箱子压扁了。

    The cardboard box was crushed .

  7. 她把箱子压扁了。

    She pressed the box flat .

  8. 这个压扁的符号让誊写者用单笔划结束书信。

    The compressed symbol allowed the transcriber to complete the letter in a single stroke .

  9. 压扁处理降低了苜蓿干草中的CF、ADF和NDF含量。

    The crushed treatment decreased CF , ADF and NDF content .

  10. 压扁处理能显著提高干草的CP、胡萝卜素含量,降低NDF、ADF含量。

    Conditioning treatment increased CP and carotene and reduced NDF and ADF .

  11. 现在需要计算一个以a,b为半轴的椭圆的面积,其实椭圆就是一个被压扁的圆。

    Let 's say that we want to find the area of an ellipse with semi-axes a and b.OK , so that means an ellipse is just like a squished circle .

  12. ERW焊管压扁试验性能的评价与提高

    Property Appraisal and Improvement of Flattening Test for ERW Pipe

  13. Cr-Mo型钢管焊接接头压扁试验不合格原因分析

    The reason of unacceptable joint in flattening test of Cr - Mo steel tube weld

  14. 当包套TiAl合金的名义相对压缩量为30%时,TiAl合金块的实际最大相对压缩量为50%,TiAl合金和微观组织被拉长、压扁。

    The highest actual deformation of TiAl alloy was 50 % with nominal deformation of 30 % with 45 # steel as wrap , and the grains were elongated and flattened .

  15. 创造者神经系统称其“4D裙子”,因为像织物一样,这件打印的衣服可以从一件被压扁的物件展开成你想要的形状。

    Creators Nervous Systemcall it a ' 4D dress " as , like fabric , the printed garment can go from a compressed object to its intended shape .

  16. 引用固定相元(cpe)的概念,较好地解释了用交流阻抗得到的阻抗图谱与从等效电路计算得到的阻抗图谱的区别,并计算了压扁部分的表达式为R-XT。

    The differences of impedance plot between AC impedance and equivalent circuit are explained in terms of constant phase element Meanwhile , the mathematics expressions are calculated from the corresponding equivalent circuits and the pressed part is R-XT .

  17. 并结合Kemp的跑道型截面几何模型,预测出剪切变形下经纬纱的纤维体积分数和织物的纤维体积分数,经过比较发现,正弦曲线几何模型更适合预测经纬纱压扁程度较大的紧密织物。

    By making a comparison between the two models , it had been found that geometrical model of sinusoidal curves was more suitable to predict tight fabrics of transverse compressed warp yarns and filling yarns .

  18. 以弹性接触理论为基础,利用Hertz基本公式,同时考虑轧辊的弹性压扁变形和轧件的弹性回复变形,推导出一个精确计算压扁接触弧长的模型。

    A model for precisely calculating the flattening contact arc length has been derived using Hertz formula on the basis of the elasticity contact theory . In the model both the roll elastic deformation and the strip elastic deformation have been taken into full consideration .

  19. 采用该模型对轧辊压扁进行模拟,得到了轧制过程中轧辊压扁形状,并将有限元计算的压扁弧长结果与传统方法Hitchcock公式进行对比,有限元结果明显大于Hitchcock公式。

    Based upon the simulating results , the shape of the roll flattening in the rolling process is gained , comparing the simulating results with the formula of Hitchcock , the length of contact arc of the FEM results is bigger than the formula of Hitchcock .

  20. 喷施2.5%碳酸钾溶液结合压扁处理,可明显加快苜蓿干燥速度,减少叶片损失,有效保存苜蓿干草营养成分,其总可消化营养物质(TDN)较对照处理提高5.6%。

    Spraying chemical drying agents 2.5 % potassium carbonate solution combined with steam-pressing could significantly accelerate the drying rate , even could keep nutritive value and improve the quality of alfalfa hay . Thus the loss of leave was reduced efficiently .

  21. 介绍了国内工业用非重复充装焊接钢瓶型式试验的要求和主要项目,并与欧盟标准EN12205-2001及美国标准DOT-39在材料要求、爆破试验、跌落试验和压扁试验等方面进行了比较。

    Type experiment requirements and main items on nor-refillable steel welded cylinder for industry cylinder and main items are introduced , and comparison are made on material requirements , explosive test , fall down test and flattening .

  22. 轧辊弹性压扁及最佳弯辊力的讨论

    A discussion on roll flattening and optimum roll - bending force

  23. 高强度扁钢丝压扁开裂原因分析

    Analyses of Reasons for High strength Flat wire Cracking in Flatting

  24. 楔横轧轧制时的弹性压扁累积效应

    The Accumulating Effect of Elastic Press Flat during Wedge Cross Rolling

  25. 计算压扁前圆丝直径的方法与实践

    The Method and Practice of Calculation of Wir Dia Before Bowling

  26. 轧辊弹性压扁的计算

    Die - casting . Die Hepatitis G CALCULATION OF ROLL FLATTENING

  27. 它们身体两侧看起来就像压扁铬合金和钢铁;

    Their sides had the look of battered chrome and steel ;

  28. 多排钢管冲击波压扁行为研究

    Study on the squash behavior of multilaminate steel tubes anti shock wave

  29. 水果如果包装不好会被压扁的。

    The fruit will squash if it is badly packed .

  30. 带钢与轧辊间弹性压扁分布函数

    Distribution function of the elastic flattening between the strip and the roller