
  1. 据中国探月工程三期总设计师胡浩介绍,嫦娥五号重达8.2吨,将由长征五号运载火箭发射。

    Hu Hao , the chief designer of the third phase of China 's lunar program , said Chang'e-5 weighs 8.2 tons and will be launched by the carrier rocket Long March 5 .

  2. 胡浩是上海某高校大三学生,他计算后发现,自己2016年网购支出达到了16000元,占到了他全年支出总额的70%。

    Hu Hao , a junior at a university in Shanghai , calculated that he spent about 16000 yuan online purchases in 2016 , accounting for about 70 percent of the total of his expenditures for the whole year .