
yā cānɡ shuǐ
  • Ballast water;water ballast
  1. 对湿地生态系统的健康造成严重损害的外来入侵物种主要是外来杂草、引种失败的外来海洋生物、随船舶压舱水带来的外来有害赤潮生物。

    The alien invasive species that damage the health of wetland ecosystem include alien invasive weeds , alien marine species unsuccessfully introduced and harmful alien red tide alga that are brought with water ballast .

  2. 通过实际运行证明了间歇式活性污泥法(SBR法)处理码头压舱水和洗罐废水是可行的,取得了良好的处理效果。

    It is proved possible to treat the ballast water and tank-cleansing wastewater by the way of activated Sludge batch Reaction ( SBR ) . Excellent result has been obtained in practical operation .

  3. 日本造船研究所船舶无压舱水革新设计

    Japan Shipbuilding Research Center 's innovative non ballast water ship design

  4. 对压舱水的装载港进行调查。

    Investigate the port of charging the ballast water .

  5. 预计在中国港口排放压舱水情况。

    Best estimate of BW discharge in Chinese ports .

  6. 油轮排放压舱水时安全性能的研究

    Evaluation of Safety of Tankers During Ballast Water Draining

  7. 请问压舱水排放多长时间?

    How long will you need for deballasting ?

  8. 秦皇岛港入境船舶压舱水大肠菌群监测报告

    Surveillance on the Coliform Group in Ballast Water of Entry Ships at Qinhuangdao Port

  9. 有15艘次压舱水装载自疫区,占16.13%。

    15 ships ballast water was taken from infected area and the rate is 16.13 % .

  10. 珠海港进出境船舶压舱水致病性弧菌的流行病学调查结果分析

    Analysis on epidemiologic investigation result of ballastic water in entry-exit shipping for pathogenic vibrio in Zhuhai Port

  11. 秦皇岛港开发利用油轮压舱水除尘的研究

    A Study on Developing and Utilizing Oil Tank 's Balancing Water in Removing Coal Dusts in Qinhuangdao Port

  12. 船舶压舱水排放是大家熟知的外来水生生物入侵的主要媒介。

    Release of ballast water from ships is a major vector for the introduction of exotic aquatic species .

  13. 外轮压舱水生物的分布及生存状态与水样的水龄和盐度相关。

    The distribution characteristics and survival states of organisms were correlated with the age and salinity of ballast waters .

  14. 国际海洋组织如今正设法扩大成果,以处理由于船漆和压舱水排放而造成的威胁。

    The IMO is now trying to extend this success to deal with threats from ship paints and ballast water discharge .

  15. 福建主要港口外轮压舱水生物的分布及其潜在入侵威胁

    Study on distributional characteristics of organisms in ballast water of exotic ships entering major ports of Fujian and its potential invasion threat

  16. 初步评估外来压舱水生物排放对福建沿海的潜在入侵风险。

    The potential invasion risk of discharge of organisms from exotic ship ′ s ballast water to Fujian waters were assess roughly .

  17. 人类排泄物、粪便、垃圾、污水、污物和压舱水,未经检验检疫机构允许不准排放和移下。

    Human dejecta , excrement , garbage , sewage , waste matter and ballast-water shall not be discharged or unloaded without permission of the inspection and quarantine authorities .

  18. 外来海洋生物是基于某一物种所具有的经济或社会意义而从外地有目的地引进,或者由于无意识的活动如航运业中的船体附着以及压舱水的排放等而带入的。

    Many species of alien marine organism were introduced to China by intentional introduction for their economic or social significances or by unconscious activities such as ballast water discharge .

  19. 该系统可在不进行压舱水调节的情况下,自动提升卸货用主梁的高度,使船体逐渐上浮,避免船体突然跃起造成事故。

    After using of this system , the height of the unloading beam could be adjusted automatically without the ballast water regulation . Thus , the accidents caused by the sudden leaping of the ship could be avoided effectively .

  20. 本文根据2003年5月到2004年4月间烟台港和邻近锚地水域及其船舶压舱水中的浮游植物调查资料,对浮游植物的群落结构和压舱水对其影响进行了初步研究。

    Characteristics of phytoplankton community were preliminarily studied based on the samples in the harbor , anchorage and entry ships ' ballast water from May 2003 to April 2004 in Yantai , China .