
jiāo tǐ wù
  • colloid
  1. 溶解&胶体物(DCS)对机械浆滤水性能的影响

    Effect of Dissolved and Colloidal Substances on Drainage Properties of Mechanical Pulp

  2. 探讨了以DIP、TMP和GP为原浆的新闻纸厂过程用水中溶解物和胶体物(DCS)的物化特性,并对阳离子型絮凝剂和阴离子垃圾捕集剂去除DCS的适应性和效率进行了评价。

    The physico-chemical characteristics of DCS in the process water of newsprint mill using DIP , TMP and GP were investigated .

  3. 对新闻纸厂过程用水溶解物和胶体物(DCS)的来源进行了分析,并对气浮池去除DCS的效率进行了评价。

    In this paper , some impurities including dissolved and colloidal substances ( DCS ) of process water in newsprint mill are analyzed and the efficiency of DAF in DCS removal is evaluated .

  4. 声场强化胶体物系澄清作用的研究

    By sound field to enhance the clarification effect of colloidal system

  5. 声场对胶体物系絮凝分离作用的研究

    The function of sound field in flocculation separation of the colloidal system

  6. 废纸回用过程中溶解物与胶体物的研究现状

    Investigation on Dissolved and Colloidal Substances in Wastepaper Recycling

  7. 脱墨过程中产生的溶解物和胶体物分析

    Analysis of Dissolved and Colloidal Substances Generated in Deinking

  8. 通过改变聚合物和电解质的种类以及分散工艺条件,研究了纳米氧化物胶体物系的分散稳定规律。

    The dispersion mechanism was suggested by changing the macromolecular type and dispersion conditions .

  9. 新闻纸厂白水回用系统中溶解物和胶体物去除方法的研究进展

    Review of Methods for Dissolved and Colloidal Substances Removal from Recirculated White Water in Newsprint Mills

  10. 分析白水中的溶解物和胶体物是了解再生胶粘物的形成和控制胶粘物危害的重要措施。

    Therefore , analysis of the dissolved and colloidal substances of process water was very significant to prevent the formation of secondary stickies .

  11. 在纳米颗粒胶体物系中加入高分子聚合物使之吸附在颗粒表面是防止纳米颗粒团聚生长的有效方法。

    By means of adsorption onto the surface of oxide nanoparticles the added polymer to the colloidal dispersion offers an available method to prevent aggregation .

  12. 本文考察了聚丙烯蜂房式管状滤芯(SS-P01P25)对自来水中悬浮胶体颗粒物的去除能力。

    Studies the removing ability of honeycomb type polypropylene filter ( SS-P01P25 ) for colloid in water .

  13. 食品添加剂对淀粉胶体挤压物特性的影响研究

    Effect of Food Additives on Characteristics of Starch-Hydrocolloid Extrudates

  14. 流浆箱配浆中胶体有机物的在线检测及其对纸机可运行性的指导作用

    On-line measurement of colloidal organics from headbox furnish and its reliable direction to paper machine runnability

  15. 加入了在石油扩散系统中描述管理链的胶体复合物模型。

    The model of colloidal complexes ( C-complexes ) which describes management chains in petroleum disperse systems is entered .

  16. 主要探讨了二氧化硅及硫酸含量、温度等因素对胶体电解质物化性能的影响;

    The factors influencing gel electrolyte performance such as the content of silica and sulfuric acid and the temperature are mainly discussed .

  17. 在A级,废水中的溶解性有机物主要通过原核细菌的生物代谢作用去除,悬浮有机物和胶体有机物则主要通过生物吸附和絮凝沉淀去除。

    In A stage , most of soluble organic material is removed by biological metabolism of prokaryotic bacteria , most of suspended and colloidal organic material is removed by biological adsorption and flocculation settling .

  18. M6的胶体金复合物不能与经胰酶和神经氨酸酶处理过的红细胞发生结合。

    M6 gold complexes showed no ability to bind to surface of erythrocytes treated by trypsin or neuraminidase .

  19. 应用自制的两种抗甲胎蛋白(AFP)单克隆抗体A6C6和G4,分别包被硝酸纤维素膜及制备胶体金结合物,建立了检测AFP的滴金免疫测定法。

    A dot immunogold filtration assay for the determination of Alpha-fetoprotein ( AFP ) in serum has been established by using two matched monoclonal antibodies ( A_6C_6 and G_4 ) prepared in Our laboratory .

  20. 他们通过将这种聚合物和金属盐酸性溶液中混合成功造出了这种胶体的类似物。

    They succeeded when they pre-mixed the polymer with metal salts at low pH.

  21. 抗吗啡单克隆抗体的制备及其胶体金交联物的初步应用

    Preparation of monoclonal antibodies against morphine and preliminary application of its colloidal gold conjugates

  22. 能够有效地去除原水中敏感的胶体、悬浮物、铁。

    Be able to remove sensitive colloids , suspended matters and iron in raw water .

  23. 胶体金-SPA复合物的制备

    Study on the preparation of colloidal gold-SPA complex

  24. 三种胶体材料及其复合物作为骨粘合剂的粘合强度比较

    Comparative study on adhesive strength of three colloid materials and their complexes as bone adhesives

  25. 介绍了近年来国内外对膜污染产生机制及膜污染模型的研究进展状况,其中包括蛋白质污染、悬浮固体污染、胶体污染、有机物污染及生物污染等。

    The mechanism and mathematical model of membrane fouling , which included protein fouling , suspended solid fouling , colloid fouling , organic matter fouling and biological fouling , were illustrated .

  26. 本文应用胶体碳作为示踪物,对小鼠在大肠杆菌内毒素引起休克时的肺,小肠和膈肌进行了血管通透性的形态学研究。

    Using colloidal carbon as a tracer , morphologic studies of the vascular permeability on the lung , intestine and diaphragm were carried out in mice following Escherichia coli endotoxin injection . Shock was produced in 10 mice by injecting endotoxin intraperitoneally .

  27. 方法以柠檬酸三钠还原法制备20nm的胶体金溶液,标记羊抗人IgM,制备免疫胶体金复合物,组装胶体金免疫层析快速诊断试纸条。

    Methods Colloidal gold particles of 20 nm were prepared and coupled with sheep anti-human IgM , the gold immunochromatography assay test kit was setup for serum Coxsackievirus IgM antibody .

  28. 选用具有代表性的亲水胶体&果胶溶液和原糖溶液为研究对象,研究了声场对胶体物系絮凝分离的强化作用。

    With pectin solution and raw sugar solution as objects of study , the present paper studies the enhancement of flocculation separation by a sound field .