
  1. 金波、红林农场胶厂废水含汞量的测定

    The Determination of mercury contained in the waste-water from the natural rubber-processing factory

  2. 中小型脲醛胶厂工艺、设备现存问题及改进方案

    Problems of process and equipment presented in the middle and small plant of urea-formaldehyde adhesive and improving methods

  3. 报废的橡胶和橡胶废边处理给再生胶厂,不再使用到本公司产品中。

    The scrapped rubber and slitter edge will be sold to regenerative plant and will not be used on our products any more .

  4. 目前全球都出现了建立新黑胶厂,寻找现存压制机的风潮,但是能被找到的、仅存的机器通常都是保养状况不佳。

    There is now a global rush to set up more plants and find existing presses , but the few that have been tracked down are often in poor shape .

  5. 辐射法制备丁基再生胶是再生胶厂的一种新型方法。

    It is a good method for reclaimed plants to provide the reclaimed butyl rubber by rediation .

  6. 凉凉隔热胶在油品储运厂的应用凉凉隔热胶在丙烯腈储罐降温中的应用

    Application of Liang Liang insulating glue for reducing the temperature of acrylonitrile storage tank and its stored media