
  • 网络gel consistency;gelconsistency
  1. 以上的品种属高糊化温度(GT)类型;胶稠度(GC)不同的品种数是软>硬>中。

    The results indicated that most of the varieties had high amylose content ( AC ), high gelatinization temperature ( GT ) and soft gel consistency ( GC ) .

  2. RVA谱的崩解值与胶稠度和米饭口感相关,消减值与米饭质地关联。

    The breakdown value of RVA profile was closely related to gel consistency and rice taste , and the setback value was linked to rice texture .

  3. 随土壤水分胁迫加重,直链淀粉含量显著增加,胶稠度随土壤水分胁迫加重而变小,糙米中铜(Cu)含量增加。

    Amylose and copper ( Cu ) contents in grains increased and gel consistency decreased with the decease of soil water potentials .

  4. 新香A的糙米率、精米率、整精米率与胶稠度的SCA方差都较大;

    SCA variance in brown rice recovery , milled rice recovery , head rice recovery and GC of XinxiangA ;

  5. 稻米胶稠度、碱消值与籼粳分化度的QTL及其相互关系的研究

    Study on QTLs Underlying Gel Consistency , Alkali Spreading Value and Indica-Japonica Differentiation Using Recombinant Inbred Lines in Rice

  6. 基于AMMI模型的籼型杂交香稻稻米胶稠度的遗传效应研究

    Study on genetic effects of gel consistency in Indica aromatic hybrid rice based on AMMI model

  7. 3g和0.5g糙米的光谱建模均以直链淀粉含量和蛋白质含量的建模效果较好,胶稠度则略差。

    NIRS models for amylose content and protein content of rice using 3g and 0.5g of brown rice were better than that for gel consistency .

  8. 表观直链淀粉含量(AAC),胶稠度(GC)和糊化温度(GT)是决定稻米蒸煮和食用品质的关键因素。

    Apparent amylose content ( AAC ), gel consistency ( GC ), and gelatinization temperature ( GT ) are recognized as the most important determinants of rice eating and cooking qualities .

  9. 两个性状在两个试验地点共检测到9个QTLs,其中直链淀粉含量高温耐性QTL3个,胶稠度高温耐性QTL6个。

    A total of nine QTLs including three QTLs for thermo-tolerance of amylose content and six QTLs for thermo-tolerance of gel consistency were detected in Nanchang and Nanjing , respectively .

  10. 主要研究结果有:创建水稻常规品质如直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、碱消值、粘滞度(RVA)的NIR校正分析模型,具有分析准确,可靠、适用性广的特点;

    The main results were as follows : The NIR calibration models , which possess an accuracy and reliable predication , were constructed for rice common constituents such as amylose content , gel consistency , alkali spreading value and RVA .

  11. 整个光谱范围(1100~2500nm)内直链淀粉含量和胶稠度的光谱相关性均呈负相关,这说明了两个性状是由相同的化学成分共同控制。

    Within the whole spectral range ( 1100 ~ 2500nm ), there was a negative correlation between amylose content and gel consistency , suggesting that these two traits were affected by same chemical constituents .

  12. 结实期气温对稻米胶稠度的影响

    Effect of temperature during Grain Filling on rice grain gel consistency

  13. 优质稻谷胶稠度测定影响因素的探讨

    Research on method for determination of gel consistency in high quality paddy

  14. 稻米胶稠度与结实期温度间的关系

    Relationship between Gel Consistency in Rice Grain and Temperature during Grain filling Stage

  15. 粒长与直链淀粉含量、胶稠度也呈极显著正相关,垩白率与垩白度呈极显著的正相关。

    Grain length had a positive correlation with amylase content and gel consistency .

  16. 胶稠度、直链淀粉含量呈直线上升趋势;

    Gel consistency and amylose content increased gradually .

  17. 胶稠度与原亲本相仿或明显改良;

    However , the gel consistence of mutant lines was similar or improved obviously .

  18. 稻米胶稠度单籽粒分析法

    Modified Single Grain Analysis for Gel Consistency

  19. 籼粳交稻米胶稠度的遗传特性分析

    Analysis on Genetic Characters of Gel Consistency in the Crosses between japonica and indica Rices

  20. 胶稠度与生育天数和株高有较大的正相关。

    The consistency had the biggish positive correlation with the growing time and plant height .

  21. 籼型黑米糊化温度和胶稠度的遗传效应研究

    Studies on Genetic Effects of Gelatinization Temperature and Gel Consistency in Indica Black Pericarp Rice Grains

  22. 单株产量越高,直链淀粉含量越高,而稻米胶稠度却呈现下降趋势;

    The result showed that increasing of amylose content and yield per plant resulted bad gel consistency .

  23. 最后对胶稠度的遗传与改良及与食味品质的关系等方面进行了讨论。

    The inheritance , improvement of GC and the relationship with eating-quality were discussed in present paper .

  24. 食味品质与垩白粒率和垩白度呈显著负相关,与胶稠度呈极显著正相关。

    EQ was significantly negative correlated to chalky grain rate and chalkiness and highly significantly positive correlated to GC .

  25. 结果表明,4项措施对产量、净收入、胶稠度都有影响。

    The results showed that the four measures had an effect on yield , net income and gel consistency .

  26. 但多数参试品种胶稠度仍偏硬,综合蒸煮品质不佳。

    However , most of the varieties tested still have hard gel consistency and have generally poor cooking qualities .

  27. 细胞质效应对部分性状(如胶稠度、蛋白质含量)的群体平均优势有一定的作用。

    Cytoplasmic effects also contributed to the population mean heterosis of some traits such as gel consistency and protein content .

  28. 稻米蒸煮品质和营养品质包括直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、蛋白质含量等性状。

    The cooking and nutrient quality traits of rice contain amylose content , gel consistency , protein content and so on .

  29. 直链淀粉含量日本品种普遍低于中国品种,蛋白质含量日本品种表现较高,胶稠度中日品种变化不大。

    The amylose content of Japanese rice varieties was lower than of Chinese varieties , but the protein contant was higher .

  30. 不同地点和同一地点不同播期间参试组合稻米品质性状变化表现出以下趋势:高温导致出糙率、精米率和胶稠度降低;

    The rice quality trait change show off the same tendency in the different place and in the identical place different sowing date .