
  • 网络Mobile Entertainment
  1. 大学生使用手机娱乐呈现高度碎片化、个性化突出、互动性强等特点。

    Highly-fragmentation , individuation and interactive are three Characteristics of the usage of mobile entertainment .

  2. 作为手机娱乐服务的重要内容之一,近几年来手机游戏业务全面崛起。特别是在日本、韩国,手机游戏业务对移动运营商ARPU的提升发挥了十分重要的作用。

    Mobile game business as a mobile entertainment services becoming one important component of the overall rise in recent years , especially in Japan and Korean .

  3. 这一名为《推特版甜蜜的忧伤》的创作尝试活动由皇家莎士比亚剧团和手机娱乐产品运营商慕德拉克公司联合打造。

    Entitled " Such Tweet Sorrow ," the experiment is a collaboration between the Royal Shakespeare Company ( RSC ) and Mudlark , which produces entertainment on mobile telephones .

  4. 随着休闲经济的兴起和手机立体娱乐时代的到来,手机Flash动漫正逐步在全球形成一种产业,并被视为最有潜力的无线增值业务。

    With the arise of leisure economy and mobile phone era of three-dimensional entertainment , mobile Flash animation is gradually forming a global industry , and is considered as the most promising wireless value-added services .

  5. 相比以前,现在的用户正在寻找新的方法来发掘智能手机的娱乐潜力。

    Users , now more than ever , are looking for new ways to unlock their smartphones entertainment potential .

  6. 这些人物和游戏将与那些花费更多时间在平板电脑和智能手机上娱乐的主流玩家,进行前所未有的亲密接触。

    It 's those characters and franchises that could connect with the more mainstream audiences that are spending more time playing games on tablets and smartphones than ever before .

  7. 名牌服装,高科技手机,娱乐工具以及汽车仍然受到年轻人的追捧,这也彰显出贫富间的鸿沟。

    Branded clothing , high-tech cell phones and entertainment gadgets , and cars continue to be all the rage among young people , highlighting the divisions between the haves and have-nots .

  8. 作为回应,韩国政府也许对于未少年视频游戏玩家的午夜宵禁法令会扩展到智能手机的娱乐内容。或许世界各地的父母们可以通过带孩子们到户外游玩减少对于手机的过度依赖。

    In response , the South Korean government may extend its midnight curfew for underage video gamers to include smartphone users as well . Perhaps parents worldwide can vaccinate their kids by taking them outside to play .

  9. 甚至有人完全沉醉于手机的娱乐和人际交往功能,以一种高成本的方式来维持这种依赖状态。

    What is worse , people may even be addicted to using mobile phones for entertainment and socializing , which means that they develop dependence on the mobile phone and have to maintain it at a very high cost .

  10. 威瑞森希望,通过向其庞大的智能手机网络加入娱乐、广告及服务,该公司能够吸引更多顾客,找到新的收入来源。

    Verizon is betting that by adding a layer of entertainment , advertising and services to its vast network of smartphones , it can attract more customers and find new sources of revenue .

  11. 据报道,法国的APP开发商则坚持认为这款手机软件只是为了娱乐。

    The French developer of the app , according to reports , insists that the concept is a humorous one .

  12. 手机外形设计的娱乐化倾向

    Entertainment Tendency of Mobile Phone Contour Design

  13. 播放器应用是手机上的重要娱乐模块,目前已经成为手机中的必备应用之一。

    The player application , which is an important entertainment modules on the mobile phone , is one of the essential applications of the phone currently .

  14. 随着科技的发展,手机性能也不断提升,手机娱乐应用的市场发展也越来越大,手机游戏已经成为继短信以后移动增值无线业务中的又一大金矿。

    With the development of technology , cell phones continue to improve performance , mobile entertainment applications in the market is also growing , mobile phone text messages after the game has become the wireless business in the mobile value-added another large gold mine .

  15. 本文手机游戏经过多次测试,其运行效果稳定,运行速度正常,能够在目前常用的手机上安装使用,可作为普通手机用户娱乐的载体。

    The mobile game has been tested for many times . The results show that it can work stably and at a fast enough speed . It can be installed on a common mobile , and thus the media for the user to entertain .