
  1. 文章研究了最小树的一些特点,推广了Dijkstra算法,并在此基础上提出了一个适用于网上电影在线收看系统的组播路由算法。

    In this paper , some properties of minimum tree is investigated and the Dijkstra algorithm is generalized . On the basis of this , a sort of multicast algorithm is applied to on-line video on the internet .

  2. 有很多网站免费提供最新的宝莱坞电影在线。

    There are lots of free sites offering latest Bollywood movies online .

  3. 因此,这里的清单顶端7日网站提供免费的宝莱坞电影在线。

    So here is the list of top7 sites offering free Bollywood movies online .

  4. 我在哪里可以看科伦坡:在等待电影在线免费全速夫人?

    Where can I watch Columbo : Lady in Waiting movie online free full stream ?

  5. 完成那项工作奋斗电影版在线观看将花费我一个小时。

    It will take one hour for me to finish the job .

  6. 一家电影票务在线服务公司专为购买单人电影票的顾客举办了一场吃黑面条比赛。

    An on-line company for movie tickets sponsored a speed eating competition of black noodles for those who bought single tickets for the latest films .

  7. 美团大众点评团购网联合企鹅智酷发布的报告显示,2015年我国电影业在线售票交易额超过线下。

    More movie tickets were sold online than offline in 2015 , a joint survey by Penguin Intelligence , Tencent 's big data platform , and group buying service Meituan and Dazhongdianping showed .

  8. 您可以在社交媒体上分享莎翁精彩时刻,观看前所未有的舞台表演、电影和在线节目,参观展览,参加讨论并获得新版莎翁教材,提高英语水平。

    You can share your favourite moment of Shakespeare on social media , watch never-before-seen performances on stage , film and online , visit exhibitions , take part in workshops and debates , and access new Shakespearean educational resources to get to grips with the English language .

  9. 现在所有人都可以自己动手做事和尝试从写博客到制作电影乃至创立在线咨询公司。

    Now everyone can DIY and experiment from blogging to film-making to online advice shops .

  10. 我们也跟动画、电影合作,在线游戏的计划也在进行。

    We are also cooperating in animations and movies , and the project on online gaming is also proceeding .

  11. 通过这些前台、后台功能模块的设计,基本上实现了整个网上电影内容的在线信息访问过程。

    Through these Front Desk , Backgrounds function module design , implementation is basically the entire movie online content online information during the visit .

  12. 毫无疑问,对网飞公司商业模式最大的毁灭性威胁来自电影现在可以在线下载和观赏。

    Of course , the biggest threat of disruption to Netflix 's business model comes from the ability to download or watch movies directly online .

  13. 使用该连接器与电视相连,用户无须使用USB闪存盘与移动硬盘存放大量的影音文件即可实现电影电视剧的在线播放。

    Use the connector to the TV , users do not use USB flash drives and removable hard disk can store large video files online play movies and TV shows .

  14. 基于电影面板数据的在线评论情感倾向对销售收入影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Impact of Online Reviews Sentimental Orientation on Sale Based on Movie Panel Data

  15. Web的目录最好的经典电影视频,DVD和电影的在线资源的链接。

    The Web 's best directory of links to online sources of classic movie videos , DVDs , and films .

  16. 柏林电影节主办方8月24日称,明年的电影节将在线下举办,并颁发不区分性别的表演奖。

    Berlinale organizers said Monday the performance awards will be defined in a gender-neutral way at next year 's festival , for which a physical event is planned .

  17. 这部中韩合拍的电影,由深受中国票房欢迎的冯小刚导演和姜帝圭联合监制,将会在电影节期间上映,电影票在线上发售几分钟之后就被抢售一空

    The Sino-South Korean movie , co-produced by box-office favorites Feng Xiaogang and Kang Je-gyu , will be released during the festival . Tickets for the movie sold out a few minutes after being released online .