
  • 网络OST;soundtrack;original soundtrack;original motion picture soundtrack;who's That Girl
  1. 作为一个歌手来说,她的歌曲《WorkItOut》能收录到电影原声带里已是极大的成功。

    Her song , ' Work It Out ' from the soundtrack to the movie was extremely successful as a single .

  2. 大西洋唱片(AtlanticRecords)在四周前发行的电影原声带,本周升至排行榜第一位,这在一定程度上是因为致敬电影主演保罗·沃克(PaulWalker)的片尾曲《SeeYouAgain》广受欢迎,沃克2013年底因车祸去世。

    The soundtrack , released four weeks ago by Atlantic Records , rises to No. 1 this week , helped by a huge push of popularity for the song " See You Again , " a tribute to Paul Walker , the actor in the film who died in a car crash in late 2013 .

  3. 经过一连串的更改,“真命天女”最终为组合带了了好运。一年后,她们的歌曲killingtime被收入了《黑衣人》的电影原声带。

    The name change proved prophetic because a year later they had their song , ' Killing Time ' included in the Men In Black soundtrack .

  4. 你一定要去买《空中监狱》的电影原声带。

    You 've got to buy the movie sound track of " Con Air " .

  5. 可是电影原声带实在不怎麽样。我朋友上礼拜才买的。

    Linda : But the soundtrack is not so hot . My friend bought it last week .

  6. 第一、我必须制作和演唱《雷霆战警》电影原声带里的一些歌曲,当中包括一首由我和库力欧携手的创作,以及两首我个人演唱的新歌。

    First of all , I must produce and perform some songs for the sound track of CSF , including a song co-written by me and Coolio , and also two new original songs that I will perform solo .

  7. 此曲来自(电影)原声带。

    This song is from the original sound track .

  8. 你会为这两部电影写原声带歌曲吗?

    Would you be writing the songs for the soundtracks for your two movies ?

  9. 1994年,迪士尼重回顶峰:《狮子王》(TheLionKing)成为票房排行第一的电影,电影原声带也极为畅销,共售出2500万张专辑,世嘉公司(Sega)根据电影开发的视频游戏也风靡一时。

    Come 1994 , Walt Disney Studios was back on top : " The Lion King " was the No. 1 movie , the top-selling soundtrack with 25 million albums sold , and a blockbuster video game developed by Sega .