
xiànɡ qián chōnɡ
  • Rush forward;dash forward
  1. 《快乐向前冲》:奥运名义下的游戏

    Happy to Dash Forward : " Olympics " under the Name of the Game

  2. 她带球向前冲。

    She played the ball and ran forward .

  3. 她大喊一声,向前冲去。

    With a cry , she rushed forward .

  4. 《生活向前冲》每周二晚上九点在NBC播出。

    Go On airs at 9 p.m. Tuesdays on NBC .

  5. NBC的新剧《好莱坞报道》独家报道,NBC新剧《生活向前冲》正筹划《老友记》演员的再聚首,柯特妮·考克斯将在由马修·派瑞主演的该部喜剧中客串一集。

    NBC 's freshman comedy Go On is staging its first onscreen Friends reunion , with Courteney Cox checking in for an episode of the Matthew Perry comedy , The Hollywood Reporter has learned exclusively .

  6. 这位年轻运动员一下飞机,机场等候的人群就高呼他的名字,手舞横幅,大声喊道:“majulah”。这个词在马来语里是“向前冲”的意思,取自新加坡国歌歌名的一部分。

    When the young athlete arrived , the crowd chanted his name , held banners aloft and called out " majulah , " Malay for " onward , " and part of the title of Singapore 's national anthem .

  7. 这匹马向前冲并在比赛中取得领先。

    The horse pulled away and took the lead in the race .

  8. 可是她相反却向前冲撞入了房子。

    But she instead went forward and hit the home .

  9. 向前冲吧男孩你是很坚强的。

    Rush the bar boy forward you are very firm .

  10. 他不止站着,他在向前冲。

    And he 's not only standing , he 's moving forward .

  11. 向前冲,努力实现你的梦想。

    Go ahead and try to achieve your goal .

  12. 军人们都勇敢,向前冲。

    The soldiers who were all brave pushed on .

  13. 我突然用力踩紧刹车踏板,结果我俩的身体都向前冲去。

    I suddenly pressed the brake pedal and we were both thrown forward .

  14. 露茜从另一边抓住他,却被拽着向前冲。

    Lucy grabbed at him from the other side and was dragged forward .

  15. 他们又发出一阵可怕的呐喊声,向前冲过来。

    They give another terrible yell and rush forward .

  16. 擂第一遍鼓,士兵勇气旺盛,人人想向前冲。

    The first time the drum is struck , the soldiers all have high morale .

  17. 别跟我提生活向前冲哦不好意思你会很出色的

    Oh don 't say GO ON.Oh I 'm sorry.Yeah You 're gonna be great .

  18. 但如果它们要可怕地向前冲;

    But , if they rush dreadful ,

  19. 向前冲,不要惧怕黑暗!

    Forth , and fear no darkness !

  20. 小子哪,你当耐性等候,不要匆匆向前冲去!

    Wait , young man , do not be in a hurry to make a change !

  21. 正如他现在坐这汽车在迷雾中向前冲呀!

    His progress In Industry was just like his present journey-an aimless_rush through a blIndIng mist !

  22. 正在向前冲的时候,就要退一步想一想。

    It 's time that I step back and think when I am rushing in hurry .

  23. 从奥运向前冲看电视媒体与大众体育的融合

    Fusion of TV media and mass sport from the perspective of " Go Olympic Games !"

  24. 她脚下一滑,身子向前冲去。

    She slipped and plunged forward .

  25. 于是,人们都跟随他向前冲,打垮了敌军。

    At this the others followed him , and he pressed forward and defeated the enemy .

  26. 对我们国家来说,拥有一个强大的,向前冲的汽车产业,是很重要的。

    It 's very important for our country that we have a strong automobile industry going forward .

  27. 当走到距离桥旧址河道还有十英尺的地方时,我的马猛地向前冲了一下,吓我一跳。

    About ten feet from where the bridge used to be , I lunged forward , startled .

  28. 我们一起向前冲!

    Forward to join us !

  29. 肚脐位置高,重心就高,因此向前冲的速度快。

    A higher naval meaning a higher centre of gravity , so your body is pulled forward faster .

  30. 本届政府正在以破纪录的速度向前冲,人人都在谈论它。

    This administration has hit the ground running at a record pace , everybody is talking about it .