
  1. 基于PCA和PLS的常压塔质量相关分析与建模大型常压塔切向进料口下层塔盘结构设计


  2. 与胸膜相对平行的斜向进针方法;

    Oblique puncturing direction , which was relatively parallel to the pleura ;

  3. 红外光弹三向进光法研究硅晶片的应力状态

    Study of stress state in silicon wafer by three-direction observation of infrared Photoelasticity

  4. 带中心管和多级切向进风的燃煤涡旋燃烧炉

    A Coal Fired Vortex Combustor with a Center Tube and Multiple Tangential Air Injection

  5. 管道旋流的产生主要有三种方式:切向进流、安装导流片和旋转管道。

    Sediment transportation in spiral pipe flow is a new method of sediment transportation .

  6. 在溶液吸收实验中,通过切向进气孔实现了传质效果强化。

    In the absorption experiments , mass transfer is strengthened with the tangential gas inlet .

  7. 本文根据双折射原理,采用红外光弹三向进光法,对硅晶片的二维应力状态进行测量和研究。

    According to birefringence principle , study of two-dimension state of stress in silicon wafer has been made by the " three-direction observation method " of infrared photoelasticity .

  8. 对具有中心管和多级切向进风结构的新型燃煤涡旋燃烧炉的冷态流动与混合特性及煤燃烧特性分别进行了冷、热态实验或数值模拟。

    Abstract The cold flow , gas mixing and pulverized coal combustion in a novel vortex combustor featured with a center tube and multiple tangential air injection were experimentally and numerically investigated in this paper .

  9. 大型常压塔切向进料口下层塔盘结构设计该流程用加压塔侧线采出作为常压塔进料,更合理地分配了高、低压塔之间的分离负荷,并实现了萃取软水的集成利用。

    Design of the Tray Under Large-Scale Atmospheric-Pressure Tower Tangent Inlet The new process gets the feed to low-pressure column from a side stream of high-pressure column , which balanced better the separation duties of the high - and low-pressure columns and implemented the integration of extracting soft-water .

  10. 大臣向皇帝进呈运河形势图。

    The minister presented the canal situation chart to the emperor .

  11. 他是个喜欢向皇帝进谗的小人。

    He is a snob who always slanders others in front of the emperor .

  12. 每一次旋转都使螺丝钉更向里进。多层螺旋CT辅助微螺钉种植支抗的应用研究

    At each turn the screw goes in further . Effects of micro-implant anchorage on tooth movement in orthodontics by multi-slice spiral CT

  13. 机床改造后,机床精度在X,Y,Z向步进精度为0.005,0.005,0.01mm/setp;

    After transformation , step precision in X , Y , Z is 0.005,0.005, 0.01 mm / setp ;

  14. 三角洲层序完整,显示清楚向湖进积序列;

    Complete fan-delta sequence shows clearly the progradation sequence of fan-delta .

  15. 浩浩荡荡地涌人斯博坎峡谷后,洪水向西行进。

    Surging into the Spokane Valley , the waters headed west .

  16. 切向气道进气门出口稳态流动特性的试验研究

    Steady Flow Anemometry Measurements at a Valve Exit from a Tangential Intake Port

  17. 高炉无钟炉顶溜槽周向步进的研究

    Peripheral stepping of chute of bell - less top

  18. 我可以冒昧向你进一言吗?

    May I presume to advise you ?

  19. 本文提出了一种新型的移相式微步驱动电路,该电路向步进电动机提供一个模拟电源。

    A new " phase shift type " vernier drive circuit which provides the analog power for step motors is presented in this paper .

  20. 结果显示,虽然开长形孔使输送器上应力增加,但在保证进料量和物料不堵塞的情况下,可以开设周向狭长进料孔。

    Results show that although a long opening raises the stress in the conveyor , a long and narrow circumferential feeding inlet could be allowed in the precondition of ensuring feed rate and causing no jam .

  21. 地方藩镇与中央官员为获取政治利益,频繁的向皇帝进奉,从而使唐代进奉在来源、主体、种类、名目上都呈现出独有的时代特点。

    In order got the political benefit , the military governorships and government officials offered tribute to the emperor frequently , and made the tribute in Tang dynasty had a special feature in sources , subject , kinds and items .

  22. 我们在少年时代就种下了一种奇怪的观念:一种肉眼看不见的叫做细菌的小妖怪在不断向我们进玟,我们必须常备不懈地保护自己不受其伤害。

    Early in life , too , we become seized with the bizarre idea that we are constantly assaulted by invisible monsters called germs , and that we have to be on constant alert to protect ourselves against their fury .

  23. 进奉是中国古代社会特殊的政治现象,它不隶属于中央财政制度,而是臣子出于私恩向皇帝进献财物,物品被储于内库,供皇帝支配。

    The tribute was a special political phenomenon in the ancient society of China , which was not formulated by central financial system but a phenomenon courtiers offer goods to the emperors for their own benefits . The offered goods was stored in warehouse and dominated by the emperor .

  24. 圣诞既是个重要的宗教节日,又蕴含着无限商机,而且在纵酒作乐的同时、还可趁机就公司管理向老板进一些逆耳忠言的话。

    As a religious festival , as a commercial opportunity or as a chance to drink one 's own body weight in spiced wine while treating the boss to a few pointed " home truths " about the way the business is run , clearly the holiday period has much to recommend it .

  25. 风池、完骨、天柱、翳风针向喉结,进针6.6~8.75cm,施小幅度高频率捻转补法1min。

    Fengchi , Tianzhu and Yifeng ( TE 17 ) were acupunctured in a direction to laryngeal protuberance into 6.60 ~ 8.75 cm using holding and twisting and replenishing methods with lower amplitude and high frequency 1 min.

  26. 下向六角形高进路胶结充填采矿法试验与应用

    Experiment and Application of Cemented Undercut and Fill Stoping with Hexagon High-access

  27. “江津”号昂奋而深沉的鸣响着汽笛向前方航进。

    Sounding her deep , resonant siren , the s.s.jiangjin forges ahead .

  28. 我想我自由了下向分层高进路回采的实践

    I am Thinking I am Free Practices of Underhand High Drifted Cut-and-Fill Mining

  29. 计算机,向地球航进

    Oomputer , set a course to Earth .

  30. 向父亲们进一言:别吓跑了你们女儿的朋友。

    A word to fathers : don 't frighten away your daughter 's friends .