
  • 网络To point;apex
  1. 小王子一到了这个行星上,就很尊敬地向点路灯的人打招呼:

    When he arrived on the planet he respectfully saluted3 the lamplighter .

  2. 基于横观各向同性压电材料的材料系数具有一定的对称性,通过Fourier变换求出了半空间受法向点力与点电荷时的Boussinesq解的解析表达式,并讨论了相应的势函数。

    Based on the symmetry properties of the material constants , the Boussinesq solution in analytic form was obtained by Fourier transforms for a transversely isotropic piezoelectric half-space submitted with a normal point force and a point charge . The associated potential function was also discussed .

  3. 从方位向点扩展函数的角度出发,对方位向分辨率进行了分析。

    From viewpoint of azimuth point spread function , azimuth resolution is analyzed .

  4. 相对于标准点符号,有向点符号包含着方向角信息。

    Compared to standard point symbol , the oriented-point symbol contains direction angle information .

  5. 然而传统的点状符号识别技术很少考虑有向点符号的识别问题。

    However , conventional point symbol recognition technologies rarely take oriented - point symbol into account .

  6. 比如湖南教育出版社和苏教社的外语学习课本也已经开始在向点读有声图书领域发展。

    Hunan Education Press and Su Education Press are now developing their pointing and reading books areas .

  7. 与太阳向点相对的一个点;太阳系远离的那个点。

    The point opposite in direction from the solar_apex ; the point the solar system is moving away from .

  8. 超短激光脉冲作用下生物组织体光学响应的时域和频域分析&Dirichlet边界条件和无向点激励源

    A temporal and frequency domain analysis of the optical responses in tissue acted by ultra-short laser pulse ── dirichlet boundary condition and isotropic point source

  9. 这主要是因为有向点符号与标准点状符号相比存在角度的偏移,使得许多传统的点状符号识别方法不再适用。

    Its mainly comes from the existent of angle offset , which many of the traditional recognition technologies no longer apply to the new situation .

  10. 利用图论理论将电力系统描述成一个无向点权图,结合电力系统解列问题的特点,给出一种解列策略求解方法。

    This paper presents a method for determing the policy of system splitting by transforming the problem taking the system as a whole to local systems .

  11. 该定理描述了当控制多边形只有一个拐向点时B&样条曲线的拐点、尖点和二重点的关系。

    The theorem describes the relationship among the cusp , loop , and inflectant points on B-spline curves whose control polygon has only one inflecting point ; the theorem has a practical guide to CAD .

  12. 她不断大声地发号施令:“向上点,向下点,就那样做。”

    She kept rapping out orders : ' Up a bit , down a bit , do it like that . '

  13. 她从瓶中喝了一口,然后向我点点头。

    She took a pull at the bottle then nodded to me .

  14. 就像他所形容的,Dave先生向我点点头。

    As he described it , Sir Dave nodded to me .

  15. 您还可以共享一个视角,并向扩展点添加一个API以更好地支持不同领域中所使用的视角。

    It is also possible to share viewpoints , and an API has been added to the extension point to better support viewpoint use among different domains .

  16. 本文应用正态总体的Bayes判别模型,解决了微量超差的两类判别问题,并完成了向负点法的转化工作。

    This article employs the judgment model of normal population 's Bayes to deal with two kinds of judgments of tiny super difference , and manages to transform into Negative point method .

  17. 48h后,小菜蛾内表皮被分解,菌丝段进入血腔,并向侵入点附近的脂肪体入侵。

    After 48h , the endocuticle were disintegrated , the germ tubes had passed through the epithelial layers into the body cavity and invaded the fat body nearby the point of penetration .

  18. 如果上午来,你可以向服务员点撒有新鲜西洋山葵和香葱的熏鲑鱼,配上耐嚼的原味手卷百吉饼。在曼哈顿的卡茨店(Katz’s),这可是办不到的。

    If you come in the morning , you can ask your server for lox dusted with fresh horseradish and chives on a chewy , unsweetened hand-rolled bagel , which you can 't do at Katz 's in Manhattan ,

  19. 然后他才向酒保点另外两杯马丁尼。

    then he orders the bartender to prepare another double martini .

  20. 移动机器人向目标点运动的变增益控制方法

    Variable gain control method for mobile robot moving to goal

  21. 稳定的线性切换系统,向平衡点收敛。

    The stable linear switched systems will converge to the balance point .

  22. 她郑重其事地向我点了一下头表示她看见我来了。

    She acknowledged my arrival with a solemn inclination of her head .

  23. 因此,力系向不同点简化的最终结果是唯一的。

    Therefore , reduced result for coplanar forces is only .

  24. 他歇下手,亲热的向我点点头,帽上铃铛就丁零当啷响了。

    He paused and nodded to me familiarly , while his bells jingled .

  25. 表示“”他友好地向我点点头。

    He nodded to me in a friendly way .

  26. 卢西奥铲倒卡卡,裁判将手指向点球点。

    After a Lucio tackle on Kaka referee Baskakov pointed to the spot .

  27. 李瑞啊,今晚看一眼这个小孩子,向他点点头。

    O Leerie see a little child , and nod to him tonight !

  28. 向量向一点简化理论的拓广

    The Extension of the Theory of Reduction of Vector Sets to a Given Centre

  29. 他向他们点了点头,就走出去了。

    He nodded to them and went out .

  30. 保卢斯向我点了下头,算是致意。

    Paulus greeted me with a nod .