
shuǐ wén xué jiā
  • hydrologist;hydrographer
  1. MatthewMcCartney是埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴的国际水管理研究所的水文学家。

    Matthew McCartney is a hydrologist at the International Water Management Institute in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia .

  2. 他们聘请了一位水文学家。

    They called in a hydrologist .

  3. 康涅狄克州纽黑文大学专攻海藻菌株生物能用途的水文学家CarmelaCuomo指出,海中的海藻养殖场可能会产生很严重的环境问题。

    An offshore algae farm could have some serious environmental issues , points out Carmela Cuomo , a marine scientist at the University of New Haven in Connecticut who is researching algae strains for biofuel use .

  4. 满怀赤子之心的地球之子&记大气物理学家高登义教授陆面过程的参数化方法是大气物理学家研究的重点,也是水文学家越来越关注的问题。

    Son of the Earth Methods for land surface process parametrization are a focal point for atmospheric physicists to investigate , and also a problem for hydrologists to be increasingly concerned about .

  5. 降雨公式是水文计算的基本依据之一,也是工程师和水文学家十分关心的问题。

    The rainfall Intensity Duration Frequency formula is one of the bases in hydrology calculation , and has been of considerable interest to engineers and hydrologists .

  6. 概念性水文流域模型属于数学模型,它与物理模型相比,具有许多优点,受到水文学家和水文工作者的普遍重视。

    The conception watershed model of hydrology belongs to mathematics model . Compared with the physics model , it has many advantages , which were looked high widely by hydrologists and hydrology workers .

  7. 水文循环过程作为关系到人类生存发展的最主要循环过程之一,多年来一直受到不同行业专家的高度关注,特别是水文学家一直将了解和掌握自然界水文循环的基本规律作为自己探寻的目标。

    Being one of the most important cycle processes in the world , the hydrological cycle process is concerned all the time by different realm experts , especially for hydrologists trying to understand basic laws of the hydrological cycle .