
  1. 遵循SOA的原则你就向云迈了一大步。

    Respecting the SOA principles is a great step in your journey to the Cloud .

  2. 像IBM一样,近几年来,微软也在准备推动企业软件市场向云技术领域转变。

    Like IBM , Microsoft has been for years preparing for an enterprise software market moving into the cloud .

  3. 特别是软件从本地部署向云计算的转变,催生了前景看好的IPO角逐者。

    The move from on-premise to cloud-based software in particular is spawning promising IPO contenders .

  4. 随着Adobe的收费模式由出售包装软件向云服务转变,他们之间的竞争还远没有结束,而这也是Adobe面临的最大的不确定性因素。

    As for the shift from boxed software to Subscriptions : it is far from over .

  5. 就连谷歌企业应用套件副总裁戴夫•吉鲁亚德在与Atmosphere云计算大会记者会成员共进午餐时也坦言,向云技术进军是一个重大的变迁。

    In lunch with members of the press at atmosphere , even Dave girouard , VP of Google Apps , admitted that moving to the cloud is a big change .

  6. 这方面有一个很好的例子:去年,Adobe系统公司(AdobeSystems)决定将创意软件套件向云软件转型。

    Case in point : Last year , Adobe Systems ADBE 2.20 % decided to transition its software suite for creatives to the cloud .

  7. 微软公司于周一宣布,流行游戏机Xbox360正在向云计算进行大幅度转变。

    Microsoft announced Monday the popular gaming console is getting a makeover with a focus on cloud computing .

  8. 在本文中,作者将定义一个场景,希望在其中安全地向云部署一个三层式企业应用程序(在本例中为J2EE)。

    In this article , the authors define a scenario in which the desired result is to securely deploy a three-tiered enterprise application ( in this case J2EE ) to the cloud .

  9. 例如,如果仅拥有向云部署模式的权限,那么就无法在顶部的工具栏中看到Cloud、Appliance或Catalog链接。

    For example , if you only have permissions for deploying patterns to the cloud , then you would not see the Cloud , Appliance , or Catalog links in the top toolbar .

  10. 向云服务发送的消息和从云服务发出的消息一般都不是SOAP,并且这些服务通常不是WSDL定义的,这两个标准通常出现在SOA治理中。

    The messages sent to and from cloud services generally are not SOAP , and the services are usually not defined by WSDL , which are two standards used in general SOA governance .

  11. 虽然Verizon将此次交易看作是向云服务迈进的重要一步,但该交易实际上可以看作是购买了大量的服务器资产。

    While Verizon is spinning the purchase as a way to advance its cloud services , the deal really boils down to buying a lot of real estate for servers .

  12. 随着软件行业开始向云服务转型,小型初创公司能够更容易通过廉价的财务管理软件服务削弱Intuit这种大型公司的市场地位。

    As the software industry shifts to cloud-based services , it becomes easier for tiny startups to undercut established players like intuit with cheaper financial-management services .

  13. 科技作家尼古拉斯•卡尔(NicholasCarr)表示,从个人电脑向云计算的转型,类似于19世纪晚期从本地发电向电网输电的转型。

    Nicholas Carr , the technology writer , says the shift from personal computers to cloud computing is akin to the late 19th century switch from electricity being generated locally to being delivered across power grids .

  14. 比如SAP决定收购Concur,再加上此前它已经收购了SuccessFactors(该公司由安德里森o霍洛维茨基金合伙人拉尔斯o达尔加德创办),说明这家公司正在全力向云计算领域进军。

    That 's where news that SAP decided to acquire Concur , coupled with its previous acquisition of SuccessFactors ( which was founded byAndreessen Horowitz partner Lars Dalgaard ) , signals that the company is leading the charge in evolving to the cloud-computing paradigm .

  15. 向云计算平台的转型首先发生在应用层面上。近年来,一批新建立的公司开始通过基于云技术的“软件即服务”模式向用户交付现有应用功能,比如客户关系管理应用Salesforce.com和人力资源应用Workday。

    The first elements of the cloud-computing shift took place at the applications level : New companies were created to deliver existing application functionality via a cloud-based , software-as-a-service ( SaaS ) model . Think of examples like Salesforce.com CRM - 2.81 % for customer relationship management , or Workday for human resources .

  16. 逆向云发生器可以实现定量数值到定性语言值的转换。

    Backward cloud generator can transform quantitative values into qualitative concepts .

  17. 对于向云计算资源进行身份验证的确保,请考虑

    For identity assurance of those authenticating to cloud resources , consider

  18. 同一个网络提供商向云服务提供商提供网络接入服务。

    The same network provider provides network access services to cloud service providers .

  19. 第5章,数字图书馆向云演进的系统构建。

    Chapter 5 , the digital library system to build the cloud evolution .

  20. 在处理这个问题的时候,很多开发者都向云服务提供商购买服务。

    Many developers are going to cloud providers to help with these scalability issues .

  21. 现在,我们更多地看到人们在强调向云的转型

    And now , we 're seeing a lot of this emphasis shift to the cloud

  22. 许多为桌面创建的应用程序正在逐步向云环境迁移。

    Many applications that were created for the desktop are being migrated to the cloud .

  23. 出现向云计算转移这一潮流有许多合理的重要的业务和IT原因。

    There are valid and significant business and IT reasons for the cloud computing paradigm shift .

  24. 为何向云计算转移?

    Why Shift Towards Cloud Computing ?

  25. 企业如何能保护他们的投资和降低向云移植的风险?

    How can an enterprise protect its investment and mitigate the risk of moving to the cloud ?

  26. 可作为向云计算转型的范例,即便小型私有企业也可效仿。

    Serves as a model that even the private sector can follow for adoption of Cloud Computing .

  27. 用户只需要支付实际资源的使用费用,就可以根据其业务向云平台申请所需的服务。

    Users can apply service according with their own requirements by paying the actual cost of the resource .

  28. 但是,仅向云构建者提供资产虚拟化还不够。

    However , it won 't be enough to provide a visualization of the assets to the cloud constructor .

  29. 正向云发生器的核心技术是用中心极限定理生成正态随机数。

    The key technology of normal cloud generator is normal random data which is produced by central limit theorem .

  30. 这正是向云计算转移的过程比较缓慢且平缓的主要原因之一。

    This is one of the primary reasons the movement to cloud computing has been a slow and gradual process .