
  1. 我想在戏剧俱乐部(大学社团)试试看。

    I think I 'll try out for the drama club .

  2. 论大学社团活动课程的教育价值

    On Educational Values of Activity Courses by College Students ' Groups

  3. 大学社团的育人功能管见

    Some Opinions on the Functions of Cultivating People of the College Associations

  4. 我们还致力于吸纳更多的大学社团,高素质的关系网。

    We 'll also work on incorporating more of into civilized network .

  5. 我们很像一个大学社团,大家相互协作。

    We work together within a very collegiate community .

  6. 本文阐述了大学社团的现状及其在校园文化中所起的功能与作用,并对大学社团的建设提出建议。

    This article expounds the present situation of mass organizations and their functions in the campus culture , and puts forward some proposals for their improvement .

  7. 大学社团的实践方式之一是活动课程,要真正发挥育人功能,就必须明确其教育价值。

    The educational values of activity courses , as a form of practice of college students ' groups , should be clarified for the proper functioning of such courses .

  8. 几年前一个大学社团曾通过将一种发光的海洋细菌注入植物体内而研制出了会发光的烟草植株。

    The effort is not the first of its kind . A university group created a glowing tobacco plant a few years ago by implanting genes from a marine bacterium that emits light .

  9. 奥拉比斯·皮涅罗是卫奇塔州立大学尼日利亚社团的主席。

    Olabisi Pinheiro is president of Nigerian Association at WSU .

  10. 两个电影专业的学生在大学电影社团里相遇并坠入爱河。

    Two film students meet and fall in love while working on a school project .

  11. 对当前我国大学体育社团功能的调查和研究广东高校人力资源激励机制探讨

    Investigation Research on the Function and Significance of Sport Corporation in Universities and Colleges in Beijing

  12. 高校学生社团发展模式探索&以苏州市职业大学学生社团发展为中心

    An Analysis of the Development Patterns of College Student Societies & A Case Study of the Student Society Development in Suzhou Vocational University

  13. 关于三峡库区移民全民健身现状的研究对当前我国大学体育社团功能的调查和研究

    Investigation Research on the Current Situation of Participation of the National Fitness Program among the Three Gorges Immigrants Investigation Research on the Function and Significance of Sport Corporation in Universities and Colleges in Beijing

  14. 论大学校园体育社团的地位与作用

    Research on Position and Effect of the University Campus Athletics Association

  15. 他积极参与剑桥大学联合国社团的活动,体现出他对全球事务的关心。

    His concern for world affairs was shown by his active participation in the United Nations society at Cambridge .

  16. 通过参加莫道克大学丰富的社团活动,我认识了友好的澳大利亚朋友和其他来自世界各地的新朋友。

    I also met great " Aussies " and made new friends from all over the world through Murdoch community events .

  17. 他从初中时便开始学习魔术,现在是所读大学的魔术社团团长。

    He began to learn magic when in junior middle school and is now the leader of the magic club at his university .

  18. 加强学分制下大学英语学生社团建设,挖掘其课外教育功能,是促进学生英语能力提高的有效途径之一。

    Strengthening its'construction under credit system and mining its'extracurricular education function are one of the effective ways to develop students'ability to use English in a well-rounded way .

  19. 当然,大学期间参与社团组织,培养自己的领导能力和组织能力,这对找工作也很有帮助。

    Of course , the college participation in community organizations , and develop their own leadership and organizational abilities , which is also helpful to find a job .

  20. 悉尼大学商学院社团也发布了包含该微博截图和翻译的请愿书,要求吴维离职。

    A petition calling for Wu 's resignation that linked to screenshots and English translations of the posts to Weibo was circulated by the Sydney University Business Society last week .

  21. 大学校园体育社团是随着社会的进步,《全民健身计划纲要》、《体育法》的贯彻实施,是新时期学校体育发展的产物,具有新时代高校体育教育的特色。

    University campus athletics association is outcome along with social advance , the all the people of 《 do exercise to keep fit to plan the outline 》,《 athletics method 》 carried through to put into practice , and has special features in modern ear athletics education .

  22. 工作几年,换了几个职位之后,你的简历上不再填有大学里参加的社团活动和获得的奖励。

    After several years in the professional ranks , your resume no longer has traces of college clubs and achievements .

  23. 知识经济时代的大学是学者的社团,是探索和传播高深学问的场所,更是社会发展的动力站。

    In the knowledge economy era , the university is a community of scholars , a seat of higher and universal learning , even a power station of social development .

  24. 布拉德利就读的专业并未公开,他参与了一个维克森林大学的喜剧演出社团。当时他正在斯坦福做一个体育市场方面的实习(他是从他姐姐那里得知有这个职位的,她认识办公室里的某位工作人员)。

    Bradley , an undeclared major who acts in a comedy troupe at Wake Forest , was working in a sports-marketing internship at Stanford ( a position he learned of through his sister , who knew someone in the office ) .

  25. 这些渠道主要有以下四个途径:一是沪江大学的文学教育课程;二是沪江大学的演讲活动;三是沪江大学的文学社团;四是沪江大学的文学竞赛。

    These channels have included he following ways : First , literary education courses of University of Shanghai ; Second , the lectures of University of Shanghai ; third , literary societies of University of Shanghai ; Fourth , literary contest of University of Shanghai .