
dà piàn
  • Blockbuster;stretch;sheet
大片 [dà piàn]
  • (1) [stretch]∶延伸的大平面或广阔区域(如陆地或水域)

  • 布满湖泊的大片林地

  • (2) [sheet]∶悬浮的或活动着的一大块(如火、闪电、雨或雾)

  • 一大片雾从海上滚滚而来

大片[dà piàn]
  1. 整个保护区变成了一大片无边无际的温暖的褐色水面,简直就是个鸟的飞机场。

    The reserve is transformed into an endless sheet of warm , tea ? coloured water that is literally a bird airport .

  2. 胃窦:粘膜充血水肿,以红为主,见数个大片状糜烂,蠕动尚可。

    Antrum : The mucosa is congestive , edema , and mainly in red . A few large sheet erosions can be found and it can creep .

  3. 大片大片的乡村地区被城镇吞噬。

    Large areas of countryside have been swallowed up by towns .

  4. 这种涂料用一点就可涂一大片。

    A small amount of this paint goes a long way .

  5. 这颗炸弹炸毁了旧城的一大片地方。

    The bomb devastated much of the old part of the city .

  6. 他给自己切了厚厚的一大片蛋糕。

    He cut himself a great thick slice of cake .

  7. 他的衬衣前襟上洒了一大片咖啡。

    Coffee had splattered across the front of his shirt .

  8. 她俯视着一大片仰起的脸孔。

    She looked down at the sea of upturned faces .

  9. 火山喷发,将炽热的火山灰洒落在一大片地域上。

    The volcano erupted , raining hot ash over a wide area .

  10. 城市发展导致大片的乡村遭到毁坏。

    Urban development has led to the ruination of vast areas of countryside .

  11. 森林覆盖着这个国家的大片土地。

    Much of the country is covered by forest .

  12. 妻子离开后,他的人生中出现了一大片空洞。

    After his wife left , there was a gaping hole in his life .

  13. 他们在加利福尼亚拥有大片的土地。

    They have a huge spread in California .

  14. 这片树林只是剩下的一部分,原来这一带是一大片森林。

    The woods are remnants of a huge forest which once covered the whole area .

  15. 国家电视台播出了大片农田淹没在水中的影像。

    State television showed film of vast areas of farmland underwater .

  16. 你应该用绳子围起一大片地方来卖票。

    You should rope off a big field and sell tickets .

  17. 污染已经使大片地区沦为不毛之地。

    The pollution has already turned vast areas into a wasteland .

  18. 每天有600多万年轻人收看“热门大片”这档节目。

    More than six million youngsters tune in to Blockbusters every day

  19. 这场战争摧毁了大片村庄。

    The war has laid waste large regions of the countryside .

  20. 该公司拥有盖特威克机场周边的大片农田。

    The company owns a chunk of farmland near Gatwick Airport .

  21. 它们飞到海滩上空,抛下一大片黑影。

    They flew in over the beach , casting a huge shadow .

  22. 美国种植着大片的大豆。

    Enormous acreages of soya beans are grown in the United States .

  23. 布加勒斯特的所在地过去曾是一大片茂密的森林。

    Where Bucharest now stands , there once was a large , dense forest

  24. 专家们认为即将发生的旱灾将侵袭大片地区。

    Experts believe that the coming drought will be extensive

  25. 我们周边是大片美丽的乡村地区。

    We are surrounded by lots of beautiful countryside .

  26. 伦敦市中心有幸拥有许多大型公园和大片空地。

    Central London is fortunate in having so many large parks and open spaces

  27. 一大片广阔的土地可待开发。

    A vast tract of land is ready for development

  28. 乡间大片大片的荒地尚未开发。

    Vast tracts of the country are wild and undeveloped

  29. 他们清除了大片的森林以经营农耕、采伐与畜牧。

    They cleared large tracts of forest for farming , logging and ranching .

  30. 大片大片的雪花开始簌簌飘落。

    Large flakes of snow began swiftly to fall .