
  • 网络The United State and China
  1. 在高等教育分权制方面,美国与中国相似。

    The United States and China are similar in decentralization in higher education .

  2. 二十世纪的美国与中国

    The United States and China in the Twentieth Century

  3. 伯恩斯还表示,美国与中国和印度(India)的关系极为重要。

    Burns also said the relations the United States has with China and India are extremely important .

  4. 自理查德尼克松(richardnixon)于上世纪70年代恢复美国与中国的外交关系以来,波音就一直处在中美关系的中心位置。

    Since Richard Nixon restored diplomatic ties with China in the 1970s , Boeing has been at the crux of US-China relations .

  5. 印度的这笔协议,再加上几天前美国与中国达成的另一笔协议,即为升级IT产品贸易规则的谈判清除障碍,似乎让WTO的运作重回正轨。

    Together with another deal struck a few days earlier with China to unlock negotiations on updating the rules on trade in IT products , the deal in India seemed to put things back on track at the WTO .

  6. 思科系统(CiscoSystems)首席执行官约翰•钱伯斯(JohnChambers)警告说,美国与中国和俄罗斯的两国的政治紧张形势意味着,在这两个原本最有增长潜力的市场,美国高科技企业正面临长期压力。

    Political tensions with China and Russia mean that US tech companies are facing protracted pressure in what had been two of their most promising growth markets , the chief executive of Cisco Systems has warned .

  7. 这部电影的全部投资来自新画面影业公司(NewPicturesFilm),此外还有两家中国的银行——中国银行(BankofChina)与民生银行(Minsheng)——的赞助,但好莱坞当红影星的加盟表明了美国与中国电影界之间关系密切。

    The film was fully financed by a Chinese company , New Pictures Film - with support from two banks : Bank of China and Minsheng - but the presence of one of Hollywood 's biggest stars is indicative of the close ties that have developed between the US film industry and China .

  8. 他观念中的美国与中国其实都是作为具有主观色彩的幻像而存在的。

    His conceptions about America and China are all subjective illusions .

  9. 股票市场绩效:美国与中国的比较研究

    The Performance of Stock Market : Comparative Research between America and China

  10. 美国与中国之间是否会展开一场“星球大战”?

    C.have a new " Star War " against China ?

  11. 中亚利益格局中的美国与中国

    USA and China in the Central Asian Interests Pattern

  12. 如果美国与中国进行更密切的合作,这种局面就会出现。

    And it will if the United States and China work more closely together .

  13. 小企业支持体系:原则与实践&对美国与中国的比较研究

    Small-sized Business Support Systems : Principles and Practice

  14. 然后他们要隔断美国与中国的直接贸易。

    Then the United States would be cut off from trading directly with China .

  15. 主要交战方美国与中国继续在汇率问题上打口水仗。

    The main combatants , the US and China , continued to exchange rhetorical salvos .

  16. 第三,人们普遍承认,美国与中国的关系处于中心地位。

    Third , the relationship between the US and China is widely accepted as central .

  17. 这些努力或许会让美国与中国之间日益攀升的贸易逆差稍有缓解。

    Such efforts might also make a small dent in the growing trade deficit with China .

  18. 此外,还将讨论美国与中国标准化体系的一般政策问题。

    Generic policy implications will be discussed both for the US and the Chinese standardization systems .

  19. 美国与中国的商品贸易逆差也是这些宏观因素的反映。

    The US trade deficit with China in goods is also a reflection of these macroscopical elements .

  20. 而在美国与中国的紧张关系不断升级之时,美国却突然向中国伸出了橄榄枝。

    The US has suddenly extended " olive branches " amid its ongoing and escalating tensions with China .

  21. 卡尼表示,美国与中国此前已开启构建战略信任的新努力。

    Mr Carney said the US and China had recently begun a new push to build strategic trust .

  22. 德梅耶尔也指出,美国与中国商业和学术之间的实力均衡在不断改变。

    Prof de Meyer also points to the changing balance of power between us and Chinese business and academia .

  23. 同时,对美国与中国的代表入侵种进行了防控实证分析。

    Meanwhile , case study for two American and three Chinese typical invasive alien species was also carried out .

  24. 美国与中国已签订新的双边民航运输协定,将增加两国之间的航班及航点。

    The new bilateral US China aviation agreement has led to increases in flights and destinations between the two countries .

  25. 那么,您将采取什么举措来加深美国与中国各城市间的这种紧密联系?

    So what measures will you take to deepen this close relationship between cities of the United States and China ?

  26. 美国与中国纺织服装业现状比较

    The Differences of Philosophical Education between China and the US Comparison of Apparel Ind us try between US and China

  27. 这些天,比起与那些超级大国的外交,美国与中国的关系似乎更受世界瞩目。

    These days , America 's ties with China probably matter more to the world than the remnants of superpower diplomacy .

  28. 我欣慰地宣布美国与中国今秋将举行有关反恐怖主义的联合会谈。

    And I am pleased to announce that the United States and China will be conducting joint talks on counterterrorism this fall .

  29. 波士顿咨询集团指出,到2016年,美国与中国的单位劳动成本之差将收窄至7美分每小时。

    By 2016 , according to Boston Consulting Group , the gap with China would have narrowed to just seven cents an hour .

  30. 未来的希望在很大程度上取决于美国与中国关系的发展。

    The shape of that future depends , to a significant degree , on the evolving relationship between the United States and China .